Generating object files¶
The previous chapters introducing the assembly code generation only. This chapter adding the elf obj support and verify the generated obj by objdump utility. With LLVM support, the Cpu0 backend can generate both big endian and little endian obj files with only a few code added. The Target Registration mechanism and their structure are introduced in this chapter.
Similar to Fig. 23 of previous chapter, but this chapter emit binary obj instruction as Fig. 31.
![digraph G {
MCInst [style="filled,bold", fillcolor=lightgreen];
"binary obj" [style="filled,bold", fillcolor=lightgreen];
MachineInstr -> MCInst -> "binary obj";
Fig. 31 When “llc -filetype=obj”, Cpu0AsmPrinter extract MCInst from MachineInstr for obj encoding¶
Translate into obj file¶
Currently, we only support translation of llvm IR code into assembly code. If you try running Chapter4_2/ to translate it into obj code will get the error message as follows,
bin$ pwd
bin$ llc -march=cpu0 -relocation-model=pic -filetype=obj ch4_1_math_math.bc -o
~/llvm/test/build/bin/llc: target does not
support generation of this file type!
Chapter5_1/ support obj file generation.
It produces obj files both for big endian and little endian with command
llc -march=cpu0
and llc -march=cpu0el
, respectively.
Run with them will get the obj files as follows,
input$ cat ch4_1_math.cpu0.s
.set nomacro
# BB#0: # %entry
addiu $sp, $sp, -40
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 40
addiu $2, $zero, 5
st $2, 36($fp)
addiu $2, $zero, 2
st $2, 32($fp)
addiu $2, $zero, 0
st $2, 28($fp)
bin$ pwd
bin$ llc -march=cpu0 -relocation-model=pic -filetype=obj ch4_1_math.bc -o
input$ objdump -s ch4_1_math.cpu0.o
ch4_1_math.cpu0.o: file format elf32-big
Contents of section .text:
0000 09ddffc8 09200005 022d0034 09200002 ..... ...-.4. ..
0010 022d0030 0920fffb 022d002c 012d0030 .-.0. ...-.,.-.0
0020 013d0034 11232000 022d0028 012d0030 .=.4.# ..-.(.-.0
0030 013d0034 12232000 022d0024 012d0030 .=.4.# ..-.$.-.0
0040 013d0034 17232000 022d0020 012d0034 .=.4.# ..-. .-.4
0050 1e220002 022d001c 012d002c 1e220001 ."...-...-.,."..
0060 022d000c 012d0034 1d220002 022d0018 .-...-.4."...-..
0070 012d002c 1f22001e 022d0008 09200001 .-.,."...-... ..
0080 013d0034 21323000 023d0014 013d0030 .=.4!20..=...=.0
0090 21223000 022d0004 09200080 013d0034 !"0..-... ...=.4
00a0 22223000 022d0010 012d0034 013d0030 ""0..-...-.4.=.0
00b0 20232000 022d0000 09dd0038 3ce00000 # ..-.....8<...
input$ ~/llvm/test/
build/bin/llc -march=cpu0el -relocation-model=pic -filetype=obj
ch4_1_math.bc -o ch4_1_math.cpu0el.o
input$ objdump -s ch4_1_math.cpu0el.o
ch4_1_math.cpu0el.o: file format elf32-little
Contents of section .text:
0000 c8ffdd09 05002009 34002d02 02002009 ...... .4.-... .
0010 30002d02 fbff2009 2c002d02 30002d01 0.-... .,.-.0.-.
0020 34003d01 00202311 28002d02 30002d01 4.=.. #.(.-.0.-.
0030 34003d01 00202312 24002d02 30002d01 4.=.. #.$.-.0.-.
0040 34003d01 00202317 20002d02 34002d01 4.=.. #. .-.4.-.
0050 0200221e 1c002d02 2c002d01 0100221e .."...-.,.-...".
0060 0c002d02 34002d01 0200221d 18002d02 ..-.4.-..."...-.
0070 2c002d01 1e00221f 08002d02 01002009 ,.-..."...-... .
0080 34003d01 00303221 14003d02 30003d01 4.=..02!..=.0.=.
0090 00302221 04002d02 80002009 34003d01 .0"!..-... .4.=.
00a0 00302222 10002d02 34002d01 30003d01 .0""..-.4.-.0.=.
00b0 00202320 00002d02 3800dd09 0000e03c . # ..-.8......<
The first instruction is “addiu $sp, -56” and its corresponding obj is 0x09ddffc8. The opcode of addiu is 0x09, 8 bits; $sp register number is 13(0xd), 4bits; and the immediate is 16 bits -56(=0xffc8), so it is correct. The third instruction “st $2, 52($fp)” and it’s corresponding obj is 0x022b0034. The st opcode is 0x02, $2 is 0x2, $fp is 0xb and immediate is 52(0x0034). Thanks to Cpu0 instruction format which opcode, register operand and offset(imediate value) size are multiple of 4 bits. Base on the 4 bits multiple, the obj format is easy to check by eyes. The big endian (B0, B1, B2, B3) = (09, dd, ff, c8), objdump from B0 to B3 is 0x09ddffc8 and the little endian is (B3, B2, B1, B0) = (09, dd, ff, c8), objdump from B0 to B3 is 0xc8ffdd09.
Work flow¶
In Chapter3_2, OutStreamer->emitInstruction print the asm. To support elf obj generation, this chapter create MCELFObjectStreamer inherited from OutStreamer by calling createELFStreamer in Cpu0MCTargetDesc.cpp above. Once MCELFObjectStreamer is created. The OutStreamer->emitInstruction will work with other code added in directory MCTargetDesc of this chapter. The details of expanation as follows,
class AsmPrinter : public MachineFunctionPass {
std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer> OutStreamer;
class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY Cpu0AsmPrinter : public AsmPrinter {
void Cpu0AsmPrinter::emitInstruction(const MachineInstr *MI) {
do {
OutStreamer->emitInstruction(TmpInst0, getSubtargetInfo());
} while ((++I != E) && I->isInsideBundle()); // Delay slot check
![digraph G {
E1 -> E2 [label="MachineInstr"];
E2 -> E1 [label="MCInst"];
E1 -> E3 [label="MCInst"];
E3 -> "MCELFStreamer::emitInstToData()" [label="MCInst"];
"MCELFStreamer::emitInstToData()" -> "encodeInstruction()" [label="MCInst"];
"encodeInstruction()" -> "getBinaryCodeForInstr()" [label="MCInst"];
"getBinaryCodeForInstr()" -> EM [label="MCInst,OpNo"];
"getBinaryCodeForInstr()" -> "getMachineOpValue()" [label="MCInst, MCInst.getOperand(OpNo)"];
subgraph clusterCpu0Asm {
label = "Cpu0AsmPrinter.cpp";
E1 [label="Cpu0AsmPrinter::emitInstruction()"];
subgraph clusterMCInstLower {
label = "lib/MC/MCInstLower.cpp";
E2 [label="Cpu0MCInstLower::Lower()"];
subgraph clusterObj {
label = "lib/MC/MCObjectStreamer.cpp";
E3 [label="MCObjectStreamer::emitInstruction()*"];
subgraph clusterELF {
label = "lib/MC/MCELFStreamer.cpp";
subgraph clusterInc {
label = "";
subgraph clusterCpu0MC {
label = "Cpu0GenMCCodeEmitter.cpp";
"getMachineOpValue()" -> "getExprOpValue()" [label="MCOperand"];
subgraph clusterEM {
label = "This function specified in\n by let EncoderMethod = getMemEncoding.\nIt is LD/ST instructions in Cpu0.";
EM [label="getMemEncoding()"];
// label = "Figure: Calling Functions of elf encoder";
Fig. 32 Calling Functions of elf encoder¶
AsmPrinter::OutStreamer is nMCObjectStreamer if llc -filetype=obj; AsmPrinter::OutStreamer is nMCAsmStreamer if llc -filetype=asm as Fig. 24.
The ELF encoder calling functions shown as Fig. 32 above.
AsmPrinter::OutStreamer is set to MCObjectStreamer when by llc driver when user
input llc -filetype=obj
![digraph G {
subgraph cluster0 {
label = "Cpu0MCCodeEmitter.cpp";
subgraph cluster1 {
label = "";
"encodeInstruction()" -> "getBinaryCodeForInstr()" [label="1. MI.Opcode"];
"getBinaryCodeForInstr()" -> "encodeInstruction()" [label="4. full MI with operands (register number, immediate value, ...)"];
"getBinaryCodeForInstr()" -> "getMachineOpValue()" [label="2. MI.Operand[n]"];
"getMachineOpValue()" -> "getBinaryCodeForInstr()" [label="3. RegNum"];
// label = "Figure: DFD flow for instruction encode";
Fig. 33 DFD flow for instruction encode¶
The instruction operands information for encoder is got as Fig. 33 above. Steps as follows,
Function encodeInstruction() pass MI.Opcode to getBinaryCodeForInstr().
getBinaryCodeForInstr() pass MI.Operand[n] to getMachineOpValue() and then,
get register number by calling getMachineOpValue().
getBinaryCodeForInstr() return the MI with all number of registers to encodeInstruction().
The MI.Opcode is set in Instruction Selection Stage. The table gen function getBinaryCodeForInstr() get all the operands information from the td files set by programmer as Fig. 34.
![digraph G {
// graphviz uses &nn; to display control character, & ascii 0x38 is '&', 0x60 is '<', 0x62 is '>'
// when use port="f1", the shape cannot set to "Mrecord"
getBinaryCodeForInstr [ penwidth = 1, fontname = "Courier New", shape = "rectangle", label =<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="white">
<tr><td bgcolor="grey" align="center" colspan="2"><font color="white"></font></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" bgcolor="yellow" port="r0">uint64_t Cpu0MCCodeEmitter::getBinaryCodeForInstr(const MCInst &MI, {</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> static const uint64_t InstBits[] = {</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> UINT64_C(318767104), // ADD /// 318767104=0x13000000</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> }</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> const unsigned opcode = MI.getOpcode();</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> uint64_t Value = InstBits[opcode];</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> switch (opcode) {</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> case Cpu0::ADD:</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> // op: ra</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" port="f1"> op = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOperand(0), Fixups, STI);</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> Value |= (op & UINT64_C(15)) << 20;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> // op: rb</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" port="f2"> op = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOperand(1), Fixups, STI);</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> Value |= (op & UINT64_C(15)) << 16;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> // op: rc</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" port="f3"> op = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOperand(2), Fixups, STI);</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> Value |= (op & UINT64_C(15)) << 12;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> break;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> }</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> return Value;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left">}</td></tr>
</table>> ];
InstrTd [ penwidth = 1, fontname = "Courier New", shape = "rectangle", label =<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="white">
<tr><td bgcolor="grey" align="center" colspan="2"><font color="white"></font></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left">class ArithLogicR<bits<8> op, ...</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" port="f1"> let Inst{23-20} = ra;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" port="f2"> let Inst{19-16} = rb;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" port="f3"> let Inst{15-12} = rc;</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"> ...</td></tr>
</table>> ];
InstrTd:f1:e -> getBinaryCodeForInstr:f1:n;
InstrTd:f2:e -> getBinaryCodeForInstr:f2:n;
InstrTd:f3:e -> getBinaryCodeForInstr:f3:n;
// label = "Instruction encode, for instance: addu $v0, $at, $v1\n v0:MI.getOperand(0), at:MI.getOperand(1), v1:MI.getOperand(2)";
Fig. 34 Instruction encode, for instance: addu $v0, $at, $v1n v0:MI.getOperand(0), at:MI.getOperand(1), v1:MI.getOperand(2)¶
For instance, Cpu0 backend will generate “addu $v0, $at, $v1” for the IR “%0 = add %1, %2” once llvm allocate registers $v0, $at and $v1 for Operands %0, %1 and %2 individually. The MCOperand structure for MI.Operands[] include register number set in the pass of llvm allocate registers which can be got in getMachineOpValue().
The getEncodingValue(Reg) in getMachineOpValue() as the following will get the RegNo of encode from Register name such as AT, V0, or V1, … by using table gen information from as the following. My comment is after “///”.
void InitMCRegisterInfo(...,
const uint16_t *RET) {
RegEncodingTable = RET;
unsigned Cpu0MCCodeEmitter::
getMachineOpValue(const MCInst &MI, const MCOperand &MO,
SmallVectorImpl<MCFixup> &Fixups,
const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) const {
if (MO.isReg()) {
unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
unsigned RegNo = Ctx.getRegisterInfo()->getEncodingValue(Reg);
return RegNo;
void InitMCRegisterInfo(...,
const uint16_t *RET) {
RegEncodingTable = RET;
/// \brief Returns the encoding for RegNo
uint16_t getEncodingValue(unsigned RegNo) const {
assert(RegNo < NumRegs &&
"Attempting to get encoding for invalid register number!");
return RegEncodingTable[RegNo];
let Namespace = "Cpu0" in {
def AT : Cpu0GPRReg<1, "1">, DwarfRegNum<[1]>;
def V0 : Cpu0GPRReg<2, "2">, DwarfRegNum<[2]>;
def V1 : Cpu0GPRReg<3, "3">, DwarfRegNum<[3]>;
namespace Cpu0 {
enum {
AT = 1,
V0 = 19,
V1 = 20,
} // end namespace Cpu0
extern const uint16_t Cpu0RegEncodingTable[] = {
1, /// 1, AT
2, /// 19, V0
3, /// 20, V1
static inline void InitCpu0MCRegisterInfo(MCRegisterInfo *RI, ...) {
RI->InitMCRegisterInfo(..., Cpu0RegEncodingTable);
The applyFixup() of Cpu0AsmBackend.cpp will fix up the jeq, jub, … instructions of “address control flow statements” or “function call statements” used in later chapters. The setting of true or false for each relocation record in needsRelocateWithSymbol() of Cpu0ELFObjectWriter.cpp depends on whethor this relocation record is needed to adjust address value during link or not. If set true, then linker has chance to adjust this address value with correct information. On the other hand, if set false, then linker has no correct information to adjust this relocation record. About relocation record, it will be introduced in later chapter ELF Support.
When emit elf obj format instruction, the EncodeInstruction() of Cpu0MCCodeEmitter.cpp will be called since it override the same name of function in parent class MCCodeEmitter.
// Address operand
def mem : Operand<iPTR> {
let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand";
let MIOperandInfo = (ops GPROut, simm16);
let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncoding";
class LoadM32<bits<8> op, string instr_asm, PatFrag OpNode,
bit Pseudo = 0>
: LoadM<op, instr_asm, OpNode, GPROut, mem, Pseudo> {
// 32-bit store.
class StoreM32<bits<8> op, string instr_asm, PatFrag OpNode,
bit Pseudo = 0>
: StoreM<op, instr_asm, OpNode, GPROut, mem, Pseudo> {
As Fig. 4, ld and st are L Type format (ADD … are R Type format). The “let EncoderMethod = “getMemEncoding”;” in as above will making llvm call function getMemEncoding() when either ld or st instruction is issued in elf obj since these two instructions use mem Operand. The following is the implementation and TableGen code for them.
def mem : Operand<iPTR> {
let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand";
let MIOperandInfo = (ops GPROut, simm16);
let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncoding";
/// If the offset operand requires relocation, record the relocation.
Cpu0MCCodeEmitter::getMemEncoding(const MCInst &MI, unsigned OpNo,
SmallVectorImpl<MCFixup> &Fixups,
const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) const {
// Base register is encoded in bits 20-16, offset is encoded in bits 15-0.
unsigned RegBits = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOperand(OpNo), Fixups, STI) << 16;
unsigned OffBits = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOperand(OpNo+1), Fixups, STI);
return (OffBits & 0xFFFF) | RegBits;
#include ""
case Cpu0::LD
case Cpu0::ST: {
// op: ra
op = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOperand(0), Fixups, STI);
op &= UINT64_C(15);
op <<= 20;
Value |= op;
// op: addr
op = getMemEncoding(MI, 1, Fixups, STI);
op &= UINT64_C(1048575);
Value |= op;
The other functions in Cpu0MCCodeEmitter.cpp are called by these two functions.
After encoder, the following code will write the encode instructions to buffer.
void MCELFStreamer::EmitInstToData(const MCInst &Inst,
const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
DF->getContents().append(Code.begin(), Code.end());
Then, ELFObjectWriter::writeObject() will write the buffer to elf file.
Backend Target Registration Structure¶
Now, let’s examine Cpu0MCTargetDesc.cpp. Cpu0MCTargetDesc.cpp do the target registration as mentioned in the previous chapter here [1], and the assembly output has explained here [2]. List the register functions of ELF obj output as follows,
Register function of elf streamer
// Register the elf streamer.
TargetRegistry::RegisterELFStreamer(*T, createMCStreamer);
static MCStreamer *createMCStreamer(const Triple &TT, MCContext &Context,
MCAsmBackend &MAB, raw_pwrite_stream &OS,
MCCodeEmitter *Emitter, bool RelaxAll) {
return createELFStreamer(Context, MAB, OS, Emitter, RelaxAll);
// MCELFStreamer.cpp
MCStreamer *llvm::createELFStreamer(MCContext &Context, MCAsmBackend &MAB,
raw_pwrite_stream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *CE,
bool RelaxAll) {
MCELFStreamer *S = new MCELFStreamer(Context, MAB, OS, CE);
if (RelaxAll)
return S;
Above createELFStreamer takes care the elf obj streamer. Fig. 35 as follow is MCELFStreamer inheritance tree. You can find a lot of operations in that inheritance tree.

Fig. 35 MCELFStreamer inherit tree¶
Register function of asm target streamer
// Register the asm target streamer.
TargetRegistry::RegisterAsmTargetStreamer(*T, createCpu0AsmTargetStreamer);
static MCTargetStreamer *createCpu0AsmTargetStreamer(MCStreamer &S,
formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
MCInstPrinter *InstPrint,
bool isVerboseAsm) {
return new Cpu0TargetAsmStreamer(S, OS);
// Cpu0TargetStreamer.h
class Cpu0TargetStreamer : public MCTargetStreamer {
Cpu0TargetStreamer(MCStreamer &S);
// This part is for ascii assembly output
class Cpu0TargetAsmStreamer : public Cpu0TargetStreamer {
formatted_raw_ostream &OS;
Cpu0TargetAsmStreamer(MCStreamer &S, formatted_raw_ostream &OS);
Above instancing MCTargetStreamer instance.
Register function of MC Code Emitter
// Register the MC Code Emitter
// Cpu0MCCodeEmitter.cpp
MCCodeEmitter *llvm::createCpu0MCCodeEmitterEB(const MCInstrInfo &MCII,
const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
MCContext &Ctx) {
return new Cpu0MCCodeEmitter(MCII, Ctx, false);
MCCodeEmitter *llvm::createCpu0MCCodeEmitterEL(const MCInstrInfo &MCII,
const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
MCContext &Ctx) {
return new Cpu0MCCodeEmitter(MCII, Ctx, true);
Above instancing two objects Cpu0MCCodeEmitter, one is for big endian and the other is for little endian. They take care the obj format generated while RegisterELFStreamer() reuse the elf streamer class.
Reader maybe has the question: “What are the actual arguments in createCpu0MCCodeEmitterEB(const MCInstrInfo &MCII, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, MCContext &Ctx)?” and “When they are assigned?” Yes, we didn’t assign it at this point, we register the createXXX() function by function pointer only (according C, TargetRegistry::RegisterXXX(TheCpu0Target, createXXX()) where createXXX is function pointer). LLVM keeps a function pointer to createXXX() when we call target registry, and will call these createXXX() function back at proper time with arguments assigned during the target registration process, RegisterXXX().
Register function of asm backend
// Register the asm backend.
// Cpu0AsmBackend.cpp
MCAsmBackend *llvm::createCpu0AsmBackendEL32(const Target &T,
const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU) {
return new Cpu0AsmBackend(T, TT.getOS(), /*IsLittle*/true);
MCAsmBackend *llvm::createCpu0AsmBackendEB32(const Target &T,
const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU) {
return new Cpu0AsmBackend(T, TT.getOS(), /*IsLittle*/false);
// Cpu0AsmBackend.h
class Cpu0AsmBackend : public MCAsmBackend {
Above Cpu0AsmBackend class is the bridge for asm to obj. Two objects take care big endian and little endian, respectively. It derived from MCAsmBackend. Most of code for object file generated is implemented by MCELFStreamer and it’s parent, MCAsmBackend.