Cpu0 ELF linker¶
LLD changes quickly and the figures of this chapter is not up to date. Like llvm, lld linker include a couple of target in ELF format handling. The term Cpu0 backend used in this chapter can refer to the ELF format handling for Cpu0 target machine under lld, llvm compiler backend, or both. But supposing readers will easy knowing what it refer to.

Fig. 3 Code generation and execution flow¶
As depicted in Fig. 3 of chapter About. Beside llvm backend, we implement ELF linker and elf2hex to run on Cpu0 verilog simulator. This chapter extends lld to support Cpu0 backend as well as elf2hex to replace Cpu0 loader. After link with lld, the program with global variables can be allocated in ELF file format layout. Meaning the relocation records of global variables is resolved. In addition, elf2hex is implemented for supporting generate Hex file from ELF. With these two tools supported, the global variables exists in section .data and .rodata can be accessed and transfered to Hex file which feeds to Verilog Cpu0 machine and run on your PC/Laptop.
As the previouse chapters mentioned, Cpu0 has two relocation models for static
link and dynamic link, respectively, which controlled by option
in llc
This chapter supports the static link.
About lld please refer LLD web site here [1] and LLD install requirement on Linux here [2]. Currently, lld can be built by: gcc and clang compiler on Ubuntu. On iMac, lld can be built by clang with the Xcode version as the next sub section. If you run with Virtual Machine (VM), please keep your phisical memory size setting over 1GB to avoid insufficient memory link error.
ELF to Hex¶
As follows,
# elf2hex.cpp needs backend related functions, like
# LLVMInitializeCpu0TargetInfo and LLVMInitializeCpu0Disassembler ... etc.
# Set LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS then it can link them during the link stage.
# AllTargetsAsmPrinters
target_link_libraries(elf2hex PRIVATE ${XAR_LIB})
add_llvm_tool_symlink(elf2hex elf2hex)
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler/MCDisassembler.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#define BOOT_SIZE 16
#define DLINK
//#define ELF2HEX_DEBUG
namespace llvm {
namespace elf2hex {
using namespace object;
class HexOut {
virtual void ProcessDisAsmInstruction(MCInst inst, uint64_t Size,
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes, const ObjectFile *Obj) = 0;
virtual void ProcessDataSection(SectionRef Section) {};
virtual ~HexOut() {};
// Split HexOut from Reader::DisassembleObject() for separating hex output
// functions.
class VerilogHex : public HexOut {
VerilogHex(std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter>& instructionPointer,
std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo>& subTargetInfo,
const ObjectFile *Obj);
void ProcessDisAsmInstruction(MCInst inst, uint64_t Size,
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes, const ObjectFile *Obj) override;
void ProcessDataSection(SectionRef Section) override;
void PrintBootSection(uint64_t textOffset, uint64_t isrAddr, bool isLittleEndian);
void Fill0s(uint64_t startAddr, uint64_t endAddr);
void PrintDataSection(SectionRef Section);
std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter>& IP;
std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo>& STI;
uint64_t lastDumpAddr;
unsigned si;
StringRef sectionName;
class Reader {
void DisassembleObject(const ObjectFile *Obj,
std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler>& DisAsm,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter>& IP,
std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo>& STI);
StringRef CurrentSymbol();
SectionRef CurrentSection();
unsigned CurrentSi();
uint64_t CurrentIndex();
SectionRef _section;
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, StringRef> > Symbols;
unsigned si;
uint64_t Index;
} // end namespace elf2hex
} // end namespace llvm
//using namespace llvm;
//===-- llvm-objdump.cpp - Object file dumping utility for llvm -----------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This program is a utility that works like binutils "objdump", that is, it
// dumps out a plethora of information about an object file depending on the
// flags.
// The flags and output of this program should be near identical to those of
// binutils objdump.
#define ELF2HEX
#include "elf2hex.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCObjectFileInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
#include "llvm/Object/MachO.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::object;
static StringRef ToolName;
static StringRef CurrInputFile;
// copy from llvm-objdump.cpp
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void reportError(StringRef File,
const Twine &Message) {
WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName) << "'" << File << "': " << Message << "\n";
// copy from llvm-objdump.h
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
T unwrapOrError(Expected<T> EO, Ts &&... Args) {
if (EO)
return std::move(*EO);
assert(0 && "error in unwrapOrError()");
// copy from llvm-objdump.cpp
static cl::OptionCategory Elf2hexCat("elf2hex Options");
static cl::list<std::string> InputFilenames(cl::Positional,
cl::desc("<input object files>"),
std::string TripleName = "";
static const Target *getTarget(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
// Figure out the target triple.
Triple TheTriple("unknown-unknown-unknown");
TheTriple = Obj->makeTriple();
// Get the target specific parser.
std::string Error;
const Target *TheTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget("", TheTriple,
if (!TheTarget)
reportError(Obj->getFileName(), "can't find target: " + Error);
// Update the triple name and return the found target.
TripleName = TheTriple.getTriple();
return TheTarget;
bool isRelocAddressLess(RelocationRef A, RelocationRef B) {
return A.getOffset() < B.getOffset();
void error(std::error_code EC) {
if (!EC)
WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName)
<< "reading file: " << EC.message() << ".\n";
static void getName(llvm::object::SectionRef const &Section, StringRef Name) {
Name = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), CurrInputFile);
llvm::dbgs() << Name << "\n";
static cl::opt<bool>
cl::desc("Little endian format"));
// Modified from PrintSectionHeaders()
uint64_t GetSectionHeaderStartAddress(const ObjectFile *Obj,
StringRef sectionName) {
// outs() << "Sections:\n"
// "Idx Name Size Address Type\n";
std::error_code ec;
unsigned i = 0;
for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj->sections()) {
StringRef Name;
error(getName(Section, Name));
uint64_t Address;
Address = Section.getAddress();
uint64_t Size;
Size = Section.getSize();
bool Text;
Text = Section.isText();
if (Name == sectionName)
return Address;
return 0;
return 0;
// Reference from llvm::printSymbolTable of llvm-objdump.cpp
uint64_t GetSymbolAddress(const ObjectFile *o, StringRef SymbolName) {
for (const SymbolRef &Symbol : o->symbols()) {
Expected<uint64_t> AddressOrError = Symbol.getAddress();
if (!AddressOrError)
reportError(o->getFileName(), SymbolName);
uint64_t Address = *AddressOrError;
Expected<SymbolRef::Type> TypeOrError = Symbol.getType();
if (!TypeOrError)
reportError(o->getFileName(), SymbolName);
SymbolRef::Type Type = *TypeOrError;
section_iterator Section = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getSection(), CurrInputFile);
StringRef Name;
if (Type == SymbolRef::ST_Debug && Section != o->section_end()) {
if (Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Section->getName())
Name = *NameOrErr;
} else {
Name = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getName(), o->getFileName());
if (Name == SymbolName)
return Address;
return 0;
uint64_t SectionOffset(const ObjectFile *o, StringRef secName) {
for (const SectionRef &Section : o->sections()) {
StringRef Name;
uint64_t BaseAddr;
Name = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), o->getFileName());
unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), o->getFileName());
BaseAddr = Section.getAddress();
if (Name == secName)
return BaseAddr;
return 0;
using namespace llvm::elf2hex;
Reader reader;
VerilogHex::VerilogHex(std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter>& instructionPointer,
std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo>& subTargetInfo, const ObjectFile *Obj) :
IP(instructionPointer), STI(subTargetInfo) {
lastDumpAddr = 0;
//uint64_t startAddr = GetSectionHeaderStartAddress(Obj, "_start");
//errs() << format("_start address:%08" PRIx64 "\n", startAddr);
uint64_t isrAddr = GetSymbolAddress(Obj, "ISR");
errs() << format("ISR address:%08" PRIx64 "\n", isrAddr);
//uint64_t pltOffset = SectionOffset(Obj, ".plt");
uint64_t textOffset = SectionOffset(Obj, ".text");
PrintBootSection(textOffset, isrAddr, LittleEndian);
lastDumpAddr = BOOT_SIZE;
Fill0s(lastDumpAddr, 0x100);
lastDumpAddr = 0x100;
void VerilogHex::PrintBootSection(uint64_t textOffset, uint64_t isrAddr,
bool isLittleEndian) {
uint64_t offset = textOffset - 4;
// isr instruction at 0x8 and PC counter point to next instruction
uint64_t isrOffset = isrAddr - 8 - 4;
if (isLittleEndian) {
outs() << "/* 0:*/ ";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (offset & 0xff));
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (offset & 0xff00) >> 8);
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "", (offset & 0xff0000) >> 16);
outs() << " 36";
outs() << " /* jmp 0x";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 " */\n",
(offset & 0xff0000) >> 16, (offset & 0xff00) >> 8, (offset & 0xff));
outs() <<
"/* 4:*/ 04 00 00 36 /* jmp 4 */\n";
offset -= 8;
outs() << "/* 8:*/ ";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (isrOffset & 0xff));
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (isrOffset & 0xff00) >> 8);
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "", (isrOffset & 0xff0000) >> 16);
outs() << " 36";
outs() << " /* jmp 0x";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 " */\n",
(isrOffset & 0xff0000) >> 16, (isrOffset & 0xff00) >> 8, (isrOffset & 0xff));
outs() <<
"/* c:*/ fc ff ff 36 /* jmp -4 */\n";
else {
outs() << "/* 0:*/ 36 ";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (offset & 0xff0000) >> 16);
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (offset & 0xff00) >> 8);
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "", (offset & 0xff));
outs() << " /* jmp 0x";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 " */\n",
(offset & 0xff0000) >> 16, (offset & 0xff00) >> 8, (offset & 0xff));
outs() <<
"/* 4:*/ 36 00 00 04 /* jmp 4 */\n";
offset -= 8;
outs() << "/* 8:*/ 36 ";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (isrOffset & 0xff0000) >> 16);
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", (isrOffset & 0xff00) >> 8);
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "", (isrOffset & 0xff));
outs() << " /* jmp 0x";
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 "%02" PRIx64 " */\n",
(isrOffset & 0xff0000) >> 16, (isrOffset & 0xff00) >> 8, (isrOffset & 0xff));
outs() <<
"/* c:*/ 36 ff ff fc /* jmp -4 */\n";
// Fill /*address*/ 00 00 00 00 [startAddr..endAddr] from startAddr to endAddr.
// Include startAddr and endAddr.
void VerilogHex::Fill0s(uint64_t startAddr, uint64_t endAddr) {
std::size_t addr;
assert((startAddr <= endAddr) && "startAddr must <= BaseAddr");
// Fill /*address*/ 00 00 00 00 for 4 bytes alignment (1 Cpu0 word size)
for (addr = startAddr; addr < endAddr; addr += 4) {
outs() << format("/*%8" PRIx64 " */", addr);
outs() << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", 0) << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", 0) \
<< format("%02" PRIx64 " ", 0) << format("%02" PRIx64 " ", 0) << '\n';
void VerilogHex::ProcessDisAsmInstruction(MCInst inst, uint64_t Size,
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes, const ObjectFile *Obj) {
SectionRef Section = reader.CurrentSection();
StringRef Name;
StringRef Contents;
Name = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), Obj->getFileName());
unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), Obj->getFileName());
uint64_t SectionAddr = Section.getAddress();
uint64_t Index = reader.CurrentIndex();
errs() << format("SectionAddr + Index = %8" PRIx64 "\n", SectionAddr + Index);
errs() << format("lastDumpAddr %8" PRIx64 "\n", lastDumpAddr);
if (lastDumpAddr < SectionAddr) {
Fill0s(lastDumpAddr, SectionAddr - 1);
lastDumpAddr = SectionAddr;
// print section name when meeting it first time
if (sectionName != Name) {
StringRef SegmentName = "";
if (const MachOObjectFile *MachO =
dyn_cast<const MachOObjectFile>(Obj)) {
DataRefImpl DR = Section.getRawDataRefImpl();
SegmentName = MachO->getSectionFinalSegmentName(DR);
outs() << "/*" << "Disassembly of section ";
if (!SegmentName.empty())
outs() << SegmentName << ",";
outs() << Name << ':' << "*/";
sectionName = Name;
if (si != reader.CurrentSi()) {
// print function name in section .text just before the first instruction
// is printed
outs() << '\n' << "/*" << reader.CurrentSymbol() << ":*/\n";
si = reader.CurrentSi();
// print instruction address
outs() << format("/*%8" PRIx64 ":*/", SectionAddr + Index);
// print instruction in hex format
outs() << "\t";
dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(Index, Size), outs());
outs() << "/*";
// print disassembly instruction to outs()
IP->printInst(&inst, 0, "", *STI, outs());
outs() << "*/";
outs() << "\n";
// In section .plt or .text, the Contents.size() maybe < (SectionAddr + Index + 4)
if (Contents.size() < (SectionAddr + Index + 4))
lastDumpAddr = SectionAddr + Index + 4;
lastDumpAddr = SectionAddr + Contents.size();
void VerilogHex::ProcessDataSection(SectionRef Section) {
std::string Error;
StringRef Name;
StringRef Contents;
uint64_t BaseAddr;
uint64_t size;
getName(Section, Name);
unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), CurrInputFile);
BaseAddr = Section.getAddress();
errs() << format("BaseAddr = %8" PRIx64 "\n", BaseAddr);
errs() << format("lastDumpAddr %8" PRIx64 "\n", lastDumpAddr);
if (lastDumpAddr < BaseAddr) {
Fill0s(lastDumpAddr, BaseAddr - 1);
lastDumpAddr = BaseAddr;
if ((Name == ".bss" || Name == ".sbss") && Contents.size() > 0) {
size = (Contents.size() + 3)/4*4;
Fill0s(BaseAddr, BaseAddr + size - 1);
lastDumpAddr = BaseAddr + size;
else {
void VerilogHex::PrintDataSection(SectionRef Section) {
std::string Error;
StringRef Name;
uint64_t BaseAddr;
uint64_t size;
getName(Section, Name);
StringRef Contents = unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), CurrInputFile);
BaseAddr = Section.getAddress();
if (Contents.size() <= 0) {
size = (Contents.size()+3)/4*4;
outs() << "/*Contents of section " << Name << ":*/\n";
// Dump out the content as hex and printable ascii characters.
for (std::size_t addr = 0, end = Contents.size(); addr < end; addr += 16) {
outs() << format("/*%8" PRIx64 " */", BaseAddr + addr);
// Dump line of hex.
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
if (i != 0 && i % 4 == 0)
outs() << ' ';
if (addr + i < end)
outs() << hexdigit((Contents[addr + i] >> 4) & 0xF, true)
<< hexdigit(Contents[addr + i] & 0xF, true) << " ";
// Print ascii.
outs() << "/*" << " ";
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 16 && addr + i < end; ++i) {
if (std::isprint(static_cast<unsigned char>(Contents[addr + i]) & 0xFF))
outs() << Contents[addr + i];
outs() << ".";
outs() << "*/" << "\n";
for (std::size_t i = Contents.size(); i < size; i++) {
outs() << "00 ";
outs() << "\n";
errs() << "Name " << Name << " BaseAddr ";
errs() << format("%8" PRIx64 " Contents.size() ", BaseAddr);
errs() << format("%8" PRIx64 " size ", Contents.size());
errs() << format("%8" PRIx64 " \n", size);
// save the end address of this section to lastDumpAddr
lastDumpAddr = BaseAddr + size;
StringRef Reader::CurrentSymbol() {
return Symbols[si].second;
SectionRef Reader::CurrentSection() {
return _section;
unsigned Reader::CurrentSi() {
return si;
uint64_t Reader::CurrentIndex() {
return Index;
// Porting from DisassembleObject() of llvm-objump.cpp
void Reader::DisassembleObject(const ObjectFile *Obj
/*, bool InlineRelocs*/ , std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler>& DisAsm,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter>& IP,
std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo>& STI) {
VerilogHex hexOut(IP, STI, Obj);
std::error_code ec;
for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj->sections()) {
_section = Section;
uint64_t BaseAddr;
unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), Obj->getFileName());
BaseAddr = Section.getAddress();
uint64_t SectSize = Section.getSize();
if (!SectSize)
if (BaseAddr < 0x100)
StringRef SectionName = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), Obj->getFileName());
errs() << "SectionName " << SectionName << format(" BaseAddr %8" PRIx64 "\n", BaseAddr);
bool text;
text = Section.isText();
if (!text) {
// It's .text section
uint64_t SectionAddr;
SectionAddr = Section.getAddress();
// Make a list of all the symbols in this section.
for (const SymbolRef &Symbol : Obj->symbols()) {
if (Section.containsSymbol(Symbol)) {
Expected<uint64_t> AddressOrErr = Symbol.getAddress();
uint64_t Address = *AddressOrErr;
Address -= SectionAddr;
if (Address >= SectSize)
Expected<StringRef> Name = Symbol.getName();
Symbols.push_back(std::make_pair(Address, *Name));
// Sort the symbols by address, just in case they didn't come in that way.
array_pod_sort(Symbols.begin(), Symbols.end());
for (unsigned si = 0, se = Symbols.size(); si != se; ++si) {
errs() << '\n' << "/*" << Symbols[si].first << " " << Symbols[si].second << ":*/\n";
// Make a list of all the relocations for this section.
std::vector<RelocationRef> Rels;
// Sort relocations by address.
std::sort(Rels.begin(), Rels.end(), isRelocAddressLess);
StringRef name;
getName(Section, name);
// If the section has no symbols just insert a dummy one and disassemble
// the whole section.
if (Symbols.empty())
Symbols.push_back(std::make_pair(0, name));
SmallString<40> Comments;
raw_svector_ostream CommentStream(Comments);
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes = arrayRefFromStringRef(
unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), Obj->getFileName()));
#if 0
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(BytesStr.data()),
uint64_t Size;
SectSize = Section.getSize();
// Disassemble symbol by symbol.
unsigned se;
for (si = 0, se = Symbols.size(); si != se; ++si) {
uint64_t Start = Symbols[si].first;
uint64_t End;
// The end is either the size of the section or the beginning of the next
// symbol.
if (si == se - 1)
End = SectSize;
// Make sure this symbol takes up space.
else if (Symbols[si + 1].first != Start)
End = Symbols[si + 1].first - 1;
else {
for (Index = Start; Index < End; Index += Size) {
MCInst Inst;
if (DisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, Size, Bytes.slice(Index),
SectionAddr + Index, CommentStream)) {
hexOut.ProcessDisAsmInstruction(Inst, Size, Bytes, Obj);
} else {
errs() << ToolName << ": warning: invalid instruction encoding\n";
if (Size == 0)
Size = 1; // skip illegible bytes
} // for
} // for
// Porting from disassembleObject() of llvm-objump.cpp
static void Elf2Hex(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
const Target *TheTarget = getTarget(Obj);
// Package up features to be passed to target/subtarget
SubtargetFeatures Features = Obj->getFeatures();
std::unique_ptr<const MCRegisterInfo> MRI(TheTarget->createMCRegInfo(TripleName));
if (!MRI)
report_fatal_error("error: no register info for target " + TripleName);
// Set up disassembler.
MCTargetOptions MCOptions;
std::unique_ptr<const MCAsmInfo> AsmInfo(
TheTarget->createMCAsmInfo(*MRI, TripleName, MCOptions));
if (!AsmInfo)
report_fatal_error("error: no assembly info for target " + TripleName);
std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo> STI(
TheTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(TripleName, "", Features.getString()));
if (!STI)
report_fatal_error("error: no subtarget info for target " + TripleName);
std::unique_ptr<const MCInstrInfo> MII(TheTarget->createMCInstrInfo());
if (!MII)
report_fatal_error("error: no instruction info for target " + TripleName);
MCObjectFileInfo MOFI;
MCContext Ctx(AsmInfo.get(), MRI.get(), &MOFI);
// FIXME: for now initialize MCObjectFileInfo with default values
MOFI.InitMCObjectFileInfo(Triple(TripleName), false, Ctx);
std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler> DisAsm(
TheTarget->createMCDisassembler(*STI, Ctx));
if (!DisAsm)
report_fatal_error("error: no disassembler for target " + TripleName);
std::unique_ptr<const MCInstrAnalysis> MIA(
int AsmPrinterVariant = AsmInfo->getAssemblerDialect();
std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter> IP(TheTarget->createMCInstPrinter(
Triple(TripleName), AsmPrinterVariant, *AsmInfo, *MII, *MRI));
if (!IP)
report_fatal_error("error: no instruction printer for target " +
std::error_code EC;
reader.DisassembleObject(Obj, DisAsm, IP, STI);
static void DumpObject(const ObjectFile *o) {
outs() << "/*";
outs() << o->getFileName()
<< ":\tfile format " << o->getFileFormatName() << "*/";
outs() << "\n\n";
/// @brief Open file and figure out how to dump it.
static void DumpInput(StringRef file) {
CurrInputFile = file;
// Attempt to open the binary.
Expected<OwningBinary<Binary>> BinaryOrErr = createBinary(file);
if (!BinaryOrErr)
reportError(file, "no this file");
Binary &Binary = *BinaryOrErr.get().getBinary();
if (ObjectFile *o = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(&Binary))
reportError(file, "invalid_file_type");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Print a stack trace if we signal out.
//PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);
//llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.
using namespace llvm;
InitLLVM X(argc, argv);
// Initialize targets and assembly printers/parsers.
// Register the target printer for --version.
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm object file dumper\n");
// TripleName = Triple::normalize(TripleName);
ToolName = argv[0];
// Defaults to a.out if no filenames specified.
if (InputFilenames.size() == 0)
std::for_each(InputFilenames.begin(), InputFilenames.end(),
In order to support command, llvm-objdump -d and llvm-objdump -t, for Cpu0, the code add to llvm-objdump.cpp as follows,
case ELF::EM_CPU0: //Cpu0
Create Cpu0 backend under LLD¶
LLD introduction¶
In general, linker do the Relocation Records Resolve as Chapter ELF support depicted, and optimization for those cannot finish in compiler stage. One of the optimization opportunities in linker is Dead Code Stripping which is explained as follows,
Dead code stripping - example (modified from llvm lto document web)
extern int foo1(void);
extern void foo2(void);
extern int foo4(void);
#include "a.h"
static signed int i = 0;
void foo2(void) {
i = -1;
static int foo3() {
return (10+foo4());
int foo1(void) {
int data = 0;
if (i < 0)
data = foo3();
data = data + 42;
return data;
#include "a.h"
void ISR() {
int foo4(void) {
return 5;
int main() {
return foo1();
Above code can be reduced to Fig. 4 to perform mark and swip in graph for Dead Code Stripping.

Fig. 4 Atom classified (from lld web)¶
As above example, the foo2() is an isolated node without any reference. It’s dead code and can be removed in linker optimization. We test this example by Makefile.ch13_1 and find foo2() cannot be removed. There are two possibilities for this situation. One is we do not trigger lld dead code stripping optimization in command (the default is not do it). The other is lld hasn’t implemented it yet at this point. It’s reasonable since the lld is in its early stages of development. We didn’t dig it more, since the Cpu0 backend tutorial just need a linker to finish Relocation Records Resolve and see how it runs on PC.
Remind, llvm-linker is the linker works on IR level linker optimization. Sometime when you got the obj file only (if you have a.o in this case), the native linker (such as lld) have the opportunity to do Dead Code Stripping while the IR linker hasn’t.
Static linker¶
Let’s run the static linker first and explain it next.
File printf-stdarg.c [7] come from internet download which is GPL2 license. GPL2 is more restricted than LLVM license.
Copyright 2001, 2002 Georges Menie (www.menie.org)
stdarg version contributed by Christian Ettinger
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
putchar is the only external dependency for this file,
if you have a working putchar, leave it commented out.
If not, uncomment the define below and
replace outbyte(c) by your own function call.
#define putchar(c) outbyte(c)
// gcc printf-stdarg-1.c
// ./a.out
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *ptr = "Hello world!";
char *np = 0;
int i = 5;
unsigned int bs = sizeof(int)*8;
int mi;
char buf[80];
mi = (1 << (bs-1)) + 1;
printf("%s\n", ptr);
printf("printf test\n");
printf("%s is null pointer\n", np);
printf("%d = 5\n", i);
printf("%d = - max int\n", mi);
printf("char %c = 'a'\n", 'a');
printf("hex %x = ff\n", 0xff);
printf("hex %02x = 00\n", 0);
printf("signed %d = unsigned %u = hex %x\n", -3, -3, -3);
printf("%d %s(s)%", 0, "message");
printf("%d %s(s) with %%\n", 0, "message");
sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%-10s\"\n", "left"); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%10s\"\n", "right"); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %04d zero padded\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %-4d left justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %4d right justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %04d zero padded\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %-4d left justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %4d right justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
return 0;
* if you compile this file with
* gcc -Wall $(YOUR_C_OPTIONS) -DTEST_PRINTF -c printf.c
* you will get a normal warning:
* printf.c:214: warning: spurious trailing `%' in format
* this line is testing an invalid % at the end of the format string.
* this should display (on 32bit int machine) :
* Hello world!
* printf test
* (null) is null pointer
* 5 = 5
* -2147483647 = - max int
* char a = 'a'
* hex ff = ff
* hex 00 = 00
* signed -3 = unsigned 4294967293 = hex fffffffd
* 0 message(s)
* 0 message(s) with %
* justif: "left "
* justif: " right"
* 3: 0003 zero padded
* 3: 3 left justif.
* 3: 3 right justif.
* -3: -003 zero padded
* -3: -3 left justif.
* -3: -3 right justif.
#include "print.h"
// Definition putchar(int c) for printf-stdarg.c
// For memory IO
int putchar(int c)
char *p = (char*)IOADDR;
*p = c;
return 0;
Copyright 2001, 2002 Georges Menie (www.menie.org)
stdarg version contributed by Christian Ettinger
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
putchar is the only external dependency for this file,
if you have a working putchar, leave it commented out.
If not, uncomment the define below and
replace outbyte(c) by your own function call.
#define putchar(c) outbyte(c)
#include <stdarg.h>
static void printchar(char **str, int c)
extern int putchar(int c);
if (str) {
**str = c;
else (void)putchar(c);
#define PAD_RIGHT 1
#define PAD_ZERO 2
static int prints(char **out, const char *string, int width, int pad)
int pc = 0, padchar = ' ';
if (width > 0) {
int len = 0;
const char *ptr;
for (ptr = string; *ptr; ++ptr) ++len;
if (len >= width) width = 0;
else width -= len;
if (pad & PAD_ZERO) padchar = '0';
if (!(pad & PAD_RIGHT)) {
for ( ; width > 0; --width) {
printchar (out, padchar);
for ( ; *string ; ++string) {
printchar (out, *string);
for ( ; width > 0; --width) {
printchar (out, padchar);
return pc;
/* the following should be enough for 32 bit int */
#define PRINT_BUF_LEN 12
static int printi(char **out, int i, int b, int sg, int width, int pad, int letbase)
char print_buf[PRINT_BUF_LEN];
char *s;
int t, neg = 0, pc = 0;
unsigned int u = i;
if (i == 0) {
print_buf[0] = '0';
print_buf[1] = '\0';
return prints (out, print_buf, width, pad);
if (sg && b == 10 && i < 0) {
neg = 1;
u = -i;
s = print_buf + PRINT_BUF_LEN-1;
*s = '\0';
while (u) {
t = u % b;
if( t >= 10 )
t += letbase - '0' - 10;
*--s = t + '0';
u /= b;
if (neg) {
if( width && (pad & PAD_ZERO) ) {
printchar (out, '-');
else {
*--s = '-';
return pc + prints (out, s, width, pad);
static int print(char **out, const char *format, va_list args )
int width, pad;
int pc = 0;
char scr[2];
for (; *format != 0; ++format) {
if (*format == '%') {
width = pad = 0;
if (*format == '\0') break;
if (*format == '%') goto out;
if (*format == '-') {
pad = PAD_RIGHT;
//bool have_ll = (format[0] == 'l' && format[1] == 'l');
//pc += have_ll * 2;
while (*format == '0') {
pad |= PAD_ZERO;
for ( ; *format >= '0' && *format <= '9'; ++format) {
width *= 10;
width += *format - '0';
if( *format == 's' ) {
char *s = (char *)va_arg( args, int );
pc += prints (out, s?s:"(null)", width, pad);
if( *format == 'd' ) {
pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 10, 1, width, pad, 'a');
if( *format == 'x' ) {
pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 16, 0, width, pad, 'a');
if( *format == 'X' ) {
pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 16, 0, width, pad, 'A');
if( *format == 'u' ) {
pc += printi (out, va_arg( args, int ), 10, 0, width, pad, 'a');
if( *format == 'c' ) {
/* char are converted to int then pushed on the stack */
scr[0] = (char)va_arg( args, int );
scr[1] = '\0';
pc += prints (out, scr, width, pad);
else {
printchar (out, *format);
if (out) **out = '\0';
va_end( args );
return pc;
int printf(const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
return print( 0, format, args );
int sprintf(char *out, const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
return print( &out, format, args );
int main(void)
char ptr[] = "Hello world!";
char *np = 0;
int i = 5;
unsigned int bs = sizeof(int)*8;
int mi;
char buf[80];
mi = (1 << (bs-1)) + 1;
printf("%s\n", ptr);
printf("printf test\n");
printf("%s is null pointer\n", np);
printf("%d = 5\n", i);
printf("%d = - max int\n", mi);
printf("char %c = 'a'\n", 'a');
printf("hex %x = ff\n", 0xff);
printf("hex %02x = 00\n", 0);
printf("signed %d = unsigned %u = hex %x\n", -3, -3, -3);
printf("%d %s(s)", 0, "message");
printf("%d %s(s) with %%\n", 0, "message");
sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%-10s\"\n", "left"); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%10s\"\n", "right"); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %04d zero padded\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %-4d left justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %4d right justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %04d zero padded\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %-4d left justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %4d right justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
return 0;
* if you compile this file with
* gcc -Wall $(YOUR_C_OPTIONS) -DTEST_PRINTF -c printf.c
* you will get a normal warning:
* printf.c:214: warning: spurious trailing `%' in format
* this line is testing an invalid % at the end of the format string.
* this should display (on 32bit int machine) :
* Hello world!
* printf test
* (null) is null pointer
* 5 = 5
* -2147483647 = - max int
* char a = 'a'
* hex ff = ff
* hex 00 = 00
* signed -3 = unsigned 4294967293 = hex fffffffd
* 0 message(s)
* 0 message(s) with %
* justif: "left "
* justif: " right"
* 3: 0003 zero padded
* 3: 3 left justif.
* 3: 3 right justif.
* -3: -003 zero padded
* -3: -3 left justif.
* -3: -3 right justif.
#include "start.h"
extern int main();
// Real entry (first instruction) is from cpu0BootAtomContent of
// Cpu0RelocationPass.cpp jump to asm("start:") of start.cpp.
void start() {
asm("addiu $lr, $ZERO, -1");
asm("ret $lr");
// This file provides function symbols used for c++ in lld
void _start() {}
void __stack_chk_fail() {}
void __stack_chk_guard() {}
void _ZdlPv() {}
void __dso_handle() {}
void _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev() {}
void __cxa_atexit() {}
void _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE() {}
void _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE() {}
void _Znwm() {}
void __cxa_pure_virtual() {}
void ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev() {}
# Thanks https://makefiletutorial.com
TARGET_EXEC := a.out
BUILD_DIR := ./build-$(CPU)-$(ENDIAN)
SRC_DIR := ./
TOOLDIR := ~/llvm/test/build/bin
CC := $(TOOLDIR)/clang
LLC := $(TOOLDIR)/llc
LD := $(TOOLDIR)/ld.lld
AS := $(TOOLDIR)/clang -static -fintegrated-as -c
RANLIB := $(TOOLDIR)/llvm-ranlib
READELF := $(TOOLDIR)/llvm-readelf
# String substitution for every C/C++ file.
# As an example, hello.cpp turns into ./build/hello.cpp.o
OBJS := $(SRCS:%=$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o)
# String substitution (suffix version without %).
# As an example, ./build/hello.cpp.o turns into ./build/hello.cpp.d
DEPS := $(OBJS:.o=.d)
# Add a prefix to INC_DIRS. So moduleA would become -ImoduleA. GCC understands
# this -I flag
INC_FLAGS := $(addprefix -I,$(INC_DIRS))
# The -MMD and -MP flags together generate Makefiles for us!
# These files will have .d instead of .o as the output.
# fintegrated-as: for asm code in C/C++
CPPFLAGS := -MMD -MP -target cpu0$(ENDIAN)-unknown-linux-gnu -static \
-fintegrated-as $(INC_FLAGS) -march=cpu0$(ENDIAN) -mcpu=$(CPU) \
-mllvm -has-lld=true -DHAS_COMPLEX
LLFLAGS := -mcpu=$(CPU) -relocation-model=static \
-filetype=obj -has-lld=true
CFLAGS := -target cpu0$(ENDIAN)-unknown-linux-gnu -static -mcpu=$(CPU) \
-fintegrated-as -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration
READELF="$(READELF)" ../newlib/configure --host=cpu0
#FIND_LIBBUILTINS_DIR := $(shell find . -iname $(LIBBUILTINS_DIR))
$(LD) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
# Build step for C source
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.c.o: %.c
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
# Build step for C++ source
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.cpp.o: %.cpp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
cd $(LIBBUILTINS_DIR) && $(MAKE) -f Makefile clean
cd $(NEWLIB_DIR) && rm -rf build-$(CPU)-$(ENDIAN)/*
# Include the .d makefiles. The - at the f.cnt suppresses the er.crs.cf missing
# Makefiles. Initially, all the .d files will be missing, and we .cn't want t.cse
# er.crs .c s.cw up.
-include $(DEPS)
With the printf() of GPL source code, we can program more test code with it to verify the previous llvm Cpu0 backend generated program. The following code is for this purpose.
#include "debug.h"
extern "C" int printf(const char *format, ...);
// With read variable form asm, such as sw in this example, the function,
// ISR_Handler() must entry from beginning. The ISR() enter from "ISR:" will
// has incorrect value for reload instruction in offset.
// For example, the correct one is:
// "addiu $sp, $sp, -12"
// "mov $fp, $sp"
// ISR:
// "ld $2, 32($fp)"
// Go to ISR directly, then the $fp is 12+ than original, then it will get
// "ld $2, 20($fp)" actually.
void ISR_Handler() {
asm("lui $7, 0xffff");
asm("ori $7, $7, 0xfdff");
asm("and $sw, $sw, $7"); // clear `IE
volatile int sw;
__asm__ __volatile__("addiu %0, $sw, 0"
int interrupt = (sw & INT);
int softint = (sw & SOFTWARE_INT);
int overflow = (sw & OVERFLOW);
int int1 = (sw & INT1);
int int2 = (sw & INT2);
if (interrupt) {
if (softint) {
if (overflow) {
printf("Overflow exception\n");
else {
printf("Software interrupt\n");
else if (int1) {
printf("Harware interrupt 0\n");
asm("lui $7, 0xffff");
asm("ori $7, $7, 0x7fff");
asm("and $sw, $sw, $7");
else if (int2) {
printf("Harware interrupt 1\n");
asm("lui $7, 0xfffe");
asm("ori $7, $7, 0xffff");
asm("and $sw, $sw, $7");
asm("lui $7, 0xffff");
asm("ori $7, $7, 0xdfff");
asm("and $sw, $sw, $7"); // clear `I
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x200"); // int enable
void ISR() {
asm("lui $at, 7");
asm("ori $at, $at, 0xff00");
asm("st $14, 48($at)");
asm("lui $at, 7");
asm("ori $at, $at, 0xff00");
asm("ld $14, 48($at)");
asm("c0mov $pc, $epc");
void int_sim() {
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x200"); // int enable
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x2000"); // set interrupt
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x4000"); // Software interrupt
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x200"); // int enable
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x2000"); // set interrupt
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x8000"); // hardware interrupt 0
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x200"); // int enable
asm("ori $sw, $sw, 0x2000"); // set interrupt
asm("lui $at, 1");
asm("or $sw, $sw, $at"); // hardware interrupt 1
#include "debug.h"
#include "print.h"
//#define PRINT_TEST
extern "C" int printf(const char *format, ...);
extern "C" int sprintf(char *out, const char *format, ...);
extern unsigned char sBuffer[4];
extern int test_overflow();
extern int test_add_overflow();
extern int test_sub_overflow();
extern int test_ctrl2();
extern int test_phinode(int a, int b, int c);
extern int test_blockaddress(int x);
extern int test_longbranch();
extern int test_func_arg_struct();
extern int test_tailcall(int a);
extern bool exceptionOccur;
extern int test_detect_exception(bool exception);
extern int test_staticlink();
#include "ch4_1_addsuboverflow.cpp"
#include "ch8_1_br_jt.cpp"
#include "ch8_2_phinode.cpp"
#include "ch8_1_blockaddr.cpp"
#include "ch8_2_longbranch.cpp"
#include "ch9_2_tailcall.cpp"
#include "ch9_3_detect_exception.cpp"
void test_printf() {
char ptr[] = "Hello world!";
char *np = 0;
int i = 5;
unsigned int bs = sizeof(int)*8;
int mi;
char buf[80];
mi = (1 << (bs-1)) + 1;
printf("%s\n", ptr);
printf("printf test\n");
printf("%s is null pointer\n", np);
printf("%d = 5\n", i);
printf("%d = - max int\n", mi);
printf("char %c = 'a'\n", 'a');
printf("hex %x = ff\n", 0xff);
printf("hex %02x = 00\n", 0);
printf("signed %d = unsigned %u = hex %x\n", -3, -3, -3);
printf("%d %s(s)", 0, "message");
printf("%d %s(s) with %%\n", 0, "message");
sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%-10s\"\n", "left"); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "justif: \"%10s\"\n", "right"); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %04d zero padded\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %-4d left justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, " 3: %4d right justif.\n", 3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %04d zero padded\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %-4d left justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "-3: %4d right justif.\n", -3); printf("%s", buf);
void verify_test_ctrl2()
int a = -1;
int b = -1;
int c = -1;
int d = -1;
sBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)0x35;
sBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)0x35;
a = test_ctrl2();
sBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)0x30;
sBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)0x29;
b = test_ctrl2();
sBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)0x35;
sBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)0x35;
c = test_ctrl2();
sBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)0x34;
d = test_ctrl2();
printf("test_ctrl2(): a = %d, b = %d, c = %d, d = %d", a, b, c, d);
if (a == 1 && b == 0 && c == 1 && d == 0)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
int test_staticlink()
int a = 0;
// pre-defined compiler macro (from llc -march=cpu0${ENDIAN} or
// clang -target cpu0${ENDIAN}-unknown-linux-gnu
// http://beefchunk.com/documentation/lang/c/pre-defined-c/prearch.html
#ifdef __CPU0EB__
#ifdef __CPU0EL__
a = test_add_overflow();
a = test_sub_overflow();
a = test_global(); // gI = 100
printf("global variable gI = %d", a);
if (a == 100)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_phinode(3, 1, 0);
printf("test_phinode(3, 1) = %d", a); // a = 3
if (a == 3)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_blockaddress(1);
printf("test_blockaddress(1) = %d", a); // a = 1
if (a == 1)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_blockaddress(2);
printf("test_blockaddress(2) = %d", a); // a = 2
if (a == 2)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_longbranch();
printf("test_longbranch() = %d", a); // a = 0
if (a == 0)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_func_arg_struct();
printf("test_func_arg_struct() = %d", a); // a = 0
if (a == 0)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_constructor();
printf("test_constructor() = %d", a); // a = 0
if (a == 0)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_template();
printf("test_template() = %d", a); // a = 15
if (a == 15)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
long long res = test_template_ll();
printf("test_template_ll() = 0x%X-%X", (int)(res>>32), (int)res); // res = -1
if (res == -1)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_tailcall(5);
printf("test_tailcall(5) = %d", a); // a = 15
if (a == 120)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
printf("exceptionOccur= %d", exceptionOccur);
if (exceptionOccur)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
printf("exceptionOccur= %d", exceptionOccur);
if (!exceptionOccur)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = inlineasm_global(); // 4
printf("inlineasm_global() = %d", a); // a = 4
if (a == 4)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
a = test_cpp_polymorphism();
printf("test_cpp_polymorphism() = %d", a); // a = 0
if (a == 0)
printf(", PASS\n");
printf(", FAIL\n");
return 0;
// test passing compilation only
#include "builtins-cpu0.c"
#include "ch_nolld.h"
#include "ch_lld_staticlink.h"
int main()
bool pass = true;
pass = test_nolld();
if (pass)
printf("test_nolld(): PASS\n");
printf("test_nolld(): FAIL\n");
pass = true;
pass = test_staticlink();
return pass;
#include "ch_nolld.cpp"
#include "ch_lld_staticlink.cpp"
SRCS := start.cpp debug.cpp printf-stdarg-def.c printf-stdarg.c ch_slinker.cpp \
include Common.mk
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# for example:
# bash make.sh cpu032I eb Makefile.newlib
# bash make.sh cpu032I eb Makefile.builtins
# bash make.sh cpu032I el Makefile.slinker
# bash make.sh cpu032II eb Makefile.float
# bash make.sh cpu032II el Makefile.ch13_1
build_newlib() {
rm -rf $BUILD_DIR
mkdir $BUILD_DIR
cd build
CC=$TOOLDIR/clang \
CFLAGS="-target cpu0$ENDIAN-unknown-linux-gnu -mcpu=$CPU -static \
-fintegrated-as -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration" \
AS="$TOOLDIR/clang -static -fintegrated-as -c" \
AR="$TOOLDIR/llvm-ar" RANLIB="$TOOLDIR/llvm-ranlib" \
READELF="$TOOLDIR/llvm-readelf" ../newlib/configure --host=cpu0
prologue() {
if [ $ARG_NUM == 0 ]; then
echo "useage: bash $sh_name cpu_type ENDIAN"
echo " cpu_type: cpu032I or cpu032II"
echo " ENDIAN: be (big ENDIAN, default) or le (little ENDIAN)"
echo "for example:"
echo " bash build-slinker.sh cpu032I eb"
exit 1;
if [ $CPU != cpu032I ] && [ $CPU != cpu032II ]; then
echo "1st argument is cpu032I or cpu032II"
exit 1
OS=`uname -s`
echo "OS =" ${OS}
echo "CPU =" "${CPU}"
echo "ENDIAN =" "${ENDIAN}"
if [ $ENDIAN != eb ] && [ $ENDIAN != el ]; then
echo "2nd argument is be (big ENDIAN, default) or le (little ENDIAN)"
exit 1
if [ $MKFILE == "Makefile.newlib" ] || [ $MKFILE == "Makefile.builtins" ]; then
echo "build_newlib"
# build_newlib;
rm $BUILD_DIR/a.out
isLittleEndian() {
echo "ENDIAN = " "$ENDIAN"
if [ "$ENDIAN" == "LittleEndian" ] ; then
elif [ "$ENDIAN" == "BigEndian" ] ; then
echo "!ENDIAN unknown"
exit 1
elf2hex() {
${TOOLDIR}/elf2hex -le=$LE $BUILD_DIR/a.out > ${LBDEX_DIR}/verilog/cpu0.hex
if [ $LE == "true" ] ; then
echo "1 /* 0: big ENDIAN, 1: little ENDIAN */" > ${LBDEX_DIR}/verilog/cpu0.config
echo "0 /* 0: big ENDIAN, 1: little ENDIAN */" > ${LBDEX_DIR}/verilog/cpu0.config
cat ${LBDEX_DIR}/verilog/cpu0.config
epilogue() {
ENDIAN=`${TOOLDIR}/llvm-readobj -h $BUILD_DIR/a.out|grep "DataEncoding"|awk '{print $2}'`
if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then
echo "$FILE does not exists."
exit 0;
$ cd ~/git/lbd/lbdex/verilog
$ make
$ cd ~/git/lbt/exlbt/input
$ pwd
$ bash make.sh cpu032I el Makefile.slinker
endian = LittleEndian
ISR address:00020780
1 /* 0: big endian, 1: little endian */
$ cd ~/git/lbd/lbdex/verilog
$ pwd
$ ./cpu0Is
WARNING: cpu0.v:487: $readmemh(cpu0.hex): Not enough words in the file for the requested range [0:524287].
test_nolld(): PASS
Hello world!
printf test
(null) is null pointer
5 = 5
-2147483647 = - max int
char a = 'a'
hex ff = ff
hex 00 = 00
signed -3 = unsigned 4294967293 = hex fffffffd
0 message(s)
0 message(s) with %
justif: "left "
justif: " right"
3: 0003 zero padded
3: 3 left justif.
3: 3 right justif.
-3: -003 zero padded
-3: -3 left justif.
-3: -3 right justif.
global variable gI = 100, PASS
test_ctrl2(): a = 1, b = 0, c = 1, d = 0, PASS
test_phinode(3, 1) = 3, PASS
test_blockaddress(1) = 1, PASS
test_blockaddress(2) = 2, PASS
test_longbranch() = 0, PASS
test_func_arg_struct() = 0, PASS
test_constructor() = 0, PASS
test_template() = 15, PASS
test_template_ll() = 0xFFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF, PASS
test_tailcall(5) = 120, PASS
exceptionOccur= 1, PASS
exceptionOccur= 0, PASS
inlineasm_global() = 4, PASS
test_cpp_polymorphism() = 0, PASS
Software interrupt
Harware interrupt 0
Harware interrupt 1
RET to PC < 0, finished!
Above test includes the printf format verification. Let’s check the result with PC program printf-stdarg-1.c output as follows,
$ cd ~/git/lbt/exlbt/input
$ pwd
$ clang printf-stdarg-1.c
printf-stdarg-1.c:58:19: warning: incomplete format specifier [-Wformat]
printf("%d %s(s)%", 0, "message");
1 warning generated.
$ ./a.out
Hello world!
printf test
(null) is null pointer
5 = 5
-2147483647 = - max int
char a = 'a'
hex ff = ff
hex 00 = 00
signed -3 = unsigned 4294967293 = hex fffffffd
0 message(s)
0 message(s) with \%
justif: "left "
justif: " right"
3: 0003 zero padded
3: 3 left justif.
3: 3 right justif.
-3: -003 zero padded
-3: -3 left justif.
-3: -3 right justif.
As above, by taking the open source code advantage, Cpu0 got the more stable printf() program. Once Cpu0 backend can translate the printf() function of the open source C printf() program into machine instructions, the llvm Cpu0 backend can be verified with printf(). With the quality code of open source printf() program, the Cpu0 toolchain is extended from compiler backend to C std library support. (Notice that some GPL open source code are not quality code, but some are.)
The “Overflow exception is printed twice meaning the ISR() of debug.cpp is called twice from ch4_1_2.cpp. The printed “taskInterrupt(001)” and “taskInterrupt(011)” just are trace message from cpu0.v code.
Dynamic linker¶
I remove dynamic linker demostration from 3.9.0 because I don’t know how to do it from lld 3.9 and this demostration add lots of code in elf2hex, verilog and lld of Cpu0 backend. However it can be run with llvm 3.7 with the following command.
1-160-136-173:test Jonathan$ pwd
1-160-136-173:test Jonathan$ git clone https://github.com/Jonathan2251/lbd
1-160-136-173:test Jonathan$ git clone https://github.com/Jonathan2251/lbt
1-160-136-173:test Jonathan$ cd lbd
1-160-136-173:lbd Jonathan$ pwd
1-160-136-173:lbd Jonathan$ git checkout release_374
1-160-136-173:lbd Jonathan$ cd ../lbt
1-160-136-173:test Jonathan$ git checkout release_374
1-160-136-173:lbt Jonathan$ make html
Then reading this section in lld.html for it.
Create a new backend base on LLVM¶
Thanks the llvm open source project. To write a linker and ELF to Hex tools for a new CPU architecture is easy and reliable. Combined with the llvm Cpu0 backend code and Verilog language code programmed in previouse chapters, we design a software toolchain to compile C/C++ code, link and run it on Verilog Cpu0 simulator without any real hardware investment. If you buy the FPGA development hardware, we believe these code can run on FPGA CPU even though we didn’t do it. Extend system program toolchain to support a new CPU instruction set can be finished just like we have shown you at this point. School knowledges of system program, compiler, linker, loader, computer architecture and CPU design has been translated into a real work and see how it is running. Now, these school books knowledge is not limited on paper. We design it, program it, and run it on real world.
The total code size of llvm Cpu0 backend compiler, Cpu0 lld linker, elf2hex and Cpu0 Verilog Language is around 10 thousands lines of source code include comments. The total code size of clang, llvm and lld has 1000 thousands lines exclude the test and documents parts. It is only 1 % of the llvm size. More over, the llvm Cpu0 backend and lld Cpu0 backend are 70% of same with llvm Mips and lld X86_64. Based on this truth, we believe llvm is a well defined structure in compiler architecture.
Contribute back to Open Source through working and learning¶
Finally, 10 thousands lines of source code in Cpu0 backend is very small in UI program. But it’s quite complex in system program which based on llvm. We spent 600 pages of pdf to explain these code. Open source code give programmers best opportunity to understand the code and enhance/extend the code function. But it can be better, we believe the documentation is the next most important thing to improve the open source code development. The Open Source Organization recognized this point and set Open Source Document Project years ago [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]. Open Source grows up and becomes a giant software infrastructure with the forces of company [13] [14], school research team and countless talent engineers passion. It terminated the situation of everyone trying to re-invent wheels during 10 years ago. Extend your software from the re-usable source code is the right way. Of course you should consider an open source license if you are working with business. Actually anyone can contribute back to open source through the learning process. This book is written through the process of learning llvm backend and contribute back to llvm open source project. We think this book cannot exists in traditional paper book form since only few number of readers interested in study llvm backend even though there are many paper published books in concept of compiler. So, this book is published via electric media form and try to match the Open Document License Expection [15]. There are distance between the concept and the realistic program implemenation. Keep note through learning a large complicate software such as this llvm backend is not enough. We all learned the knowledge through books during school and after school. So, if you cannot find a good way to produce documents, you can consider to write documents like this book. This book document uses sphinx tool just like the llvm development team. Sphinx uses restructured text format here [16] [17] [18]. Appendix A of lbd book tell you how to install sphinx tool. Documentation work will help yourself to re-examine your software and make your program better in structure, reliability and more important “Extend your code to somewhere you didn’t expect”.