C++ support

This chapter supports some C++ compiler features.

Exception handle

The Chapter11_2 can be built and run with the C++ polymorphism example code of ch12_inherit.cpp as follows,


class CPolygon { // _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE for parent class
#ifdef COUT_TEST
 // generate IR nvoke, landing, resume and unreachable on iMac
    { cout << this->area() << endl; }
    { printf("%d\n", this->area()); }

If using cout instead of printf in ch12_inherit.cpp, it won’t generate exception handler IRs on Linux, whereas it will generate invoke, landing, resume and unreachable exception handler IRs on iMac. Example code, ch12_eh.cpp, which includes try and catch exception handler as the following will generate these exception handler IRs both on iMac and Linux.


class Ex1 {};
void throw_exception(int a, int b) {
  Ex1 ex1;

  if (a > b) {
    throw ex1;

int test_try_catch() {
  try {
    throw_exception(2, 1);
  catch(...) {
    return 1;
  return 0;

JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ clang -c ch12_eh.cpp -emit-llvm
-o ch12_eh.bc
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/build/
bin/llvm-dis ch12_eh.bc -o -


define dso_local i32 @_Z14test_try_catchv() #0 personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...
)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
  invoke void @_Z15throw_exceptionii(i32 signext 2, i32 signext 1)
        to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad

invoke.cont:                                      ; preds = %entry
  br label %try.cont

lpad:                                             ; preds = %entry
  %0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
          catch i8* null
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/build/
bin/llc -march=cpu0 -relocation-model=static -filetype=asm ch12_eh.bc -o -
        .section .mdebug.abi32
        .file "ch12_eh.bc"
llc: /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveVariables.cpp:133: void llvm::
LiveVariables::HandleVirtRegUse(unsigned int, llvm::MachineBasicBlock *, llvm
::MachineInstr *): Assertion `MRI->getVRegDef(reg) && "Register use before
def!"' failed.

A description for the C++ exception table formats can be found here [2]. About the IRs of LLVM exception handling, please reference here [1]. Chapter12_1 supports the llvm IRs of corresponding try and catch exception C++ keywords. It can compile ch12_eh.bc as follows,


    /// If a physical register, this returns the register that receives the
    /// exception address on entry to an EH pad.
    getExceptionPointerRegister(const Constant *PersonalityFn) const override {
      return Cpu0::A0;

    /// If a physical register, this returns the register that receives the
    /// exception typeid on entry to a landing pad.
    getExceptionSelectorRegister(const Constant *PersonalityFn) const override {
      return Cpu0::A1;
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/build/
bin/llc -march=cpu0 -relocation-model=static -filetype=asm ch12_eh.bc -o -


  .type  _Z14test_try_catchv,@function
  .ent  _Z14test_try_catchv             # @_Z14test_try_catchv
  addiu  $4, $zero, 2
  addiu  $5, $zero, 1
  jsub  _Z15throw_exceptionii
# %bb.1:                                # %invoke.cont
  jmp  $BB1_4
$BB1_2:                                 # %lpad
  st  $4, 16($fp)
  st  $5, 12($fp)
# %bb.3:                                # %catch
  ld  $4, 16($fp)
  jsub  __cxa_begin_catch
  addiu  $2, $zero, 1
  st  $2, 20($fp)
  jsub  __cxa_end_catch
  jmp  $BB1_5
$BB1_4:                                 # %try.cont
  addiu  $2, $zero, 0
  st  $2, 20($fp)
$BB1_5:                                 # %return
  ld  $2, 20($fp)

Thread variable

C++ support thread variable as the following file ch12_thread_var.cpp.


__thread int a = 0;
thread_local int b = 0; // need option -std=c++11
int test_thread_var()
    a = 2;
    return a;

int test_thread_var_2()
    b = 3;
    return b;

While global variable is a single instance shared by all threads in a process, thread variable has different instances for each different thread in a process. The same thread share the thread variable but different threads have their own thread variable with the same name [3].

To support thread variable, tlsgd, tlsldm, dtp_hi, dtp_lo, gottp, tp_hi and tp_lo in both evaluateRelocExpr() of Cpu0AsmParser.cpp and printImpl() of Cpu0MCExpr.cpp are needed, and the following code are required. Most of them are for relocation record handle and display since the thread variable created by OS or language library which support multi-threads programming.


const MCFixupKindInfo &Cpu0AsmBackend::
getFixupKindInfo(MCFixupKind Kind) const {
  unsigned JSUBReloRec = 0;
  if (HasLLD) {
    JSUBReloRec = MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel;
  else {
    JSUBReloRec = MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel | MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_Constant;
  const static MCFixupKindInfo Infos[Cpu0::NumTargetFixupKinds] = {
    // This table *must* be in same the order of fixup_* kinds in
    // Cpu0FixupKinds.h.
    // name                        offset  bits  flags
    { "fixup_Cpu0_TLSGD",          0,     16,   0 },
    { "fixup_Cpu0_GOTTP",          0,     16,   0 },
    { "fixup_Cpu0_TP_HI",          0,     16,   0 },
    { "fixup_Cpu0_TP_LO",          0,     16,   0 },
    { "fixup_Cpu0_TLSLDM",         0,     16,   0 },
    { "fixup_Cpu0_DTP_HI",         0,     16,   0 },
    { "fixup_Cpu0_DTP_LO",         0,     16,   0 },


namespace Cpu0II {
  /// Target Operand Flag enum.
  enum TOF {
    // Cpu0 Specific MachineOperand flags.

    /// MO_TLSGD - Represents the offset into the global offset table at which
    // the module ID and TSL block offset reside during execution (General
    // Dynamic TLS).

    /// MO_TLSLDM - Represents the offset into the global offset table at which
    // the module ID and TSL block offset reside during execution (Local
    // Dynamic TLS).

    /// MO_GOTTPREL - Represents the offset from the thread pointer (Initial
    // Exec TLS).

    /// MO_TPREL_HI/LO - Represents the hi and low part of the offset from
    // the thread pointer (Local Exec TLS).


unsigned Cpu0ELFObjectWriter::getRelocType(MCContext &Ctx,
                                           const MCValue &Target,
                                           const MCFixup &Fixup,
                                           bool IsPCRel) const {
  // determine the type of the relocation
  unsigned Type = (unsigned)ELF::R_CPU0_NONE;
  unsigned Kind = (unsigned)Fixup.getKind();

  switch (Kind) {
  case Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_TLSGD:
    Type = ELF::R_CPU0_TLS_GD;
  case Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_GOTTPREL:


  enum Fixups {
    // resulting in - R_CPU0_TLS_GD.

    // resulting in - R_CPU0_TLS_GOTTPREL.

    // resulting in - R_CPU0_TLS_TPREL_HI16.

    // resulting in - R_CPU0_TLS_TPREL_LO16.

    // resulting in - R_CPU0_TLS_LDM.

    // resulting in - R_CPU0_TLS_DTP_HI16.

    // resulting in - R_CPU0_TLS_DTP_LO16.


unsigned Cpu0MCCodeEmitter::
getExprOpValue(const MCExpr *Expr,SmallVectorImpl<MCFixup> &Fixups,
               const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) const {
    case Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TLSGD:
      FixupKind = Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_TLSGD;
    case Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TLSLDM:
      FixupKind = Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_TLSLDM;
    case Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_DTP_HI:
      FixupKind = Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_DTP_HI;
    case Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_DTP_LO:
      FixupKind = Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_DTP_LO;
    case Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_GOTTPREL:
      FixupKind = Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_GOTTPREL;
    case Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TP_HI:
      FixupKind = Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_TP_HI;
    case Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TP_LO:
      FixupKind = Cpu0::fixup_Cpu0_TP_LO;


// TlsGd node is used to handle General Dynamic TLS
def Cpu0TlsGd : SDNode<"Cpu0ISD::TlsGd", SDTIntUnaryOp>;

// TpHi and TpLo nodes are used to handle Local Exec TLS
def Cpu0TpHi  : SDNode<"Cpu0ISD::TpHi", SDTIntUnaryOp>;
def Cpu0TpLo  : SDNode<"Cpu0ISD::TpLo", SDTIntUnaryOp>;
let Predicates = [Ch12_1] in {
def : Pat<(Cpu0Hi tglobaltlsaddr:$in), (LUi tglobaltlsaddr:$in)>;
let Predicates = [Ch12_1] in {
def : Pat<(Cpu0Lo tglobaltlsaddr:$in), (ORi ZERO, tglobaltlsaddr:$in)>;
let Predicates = [Ch12_1] in {
def : Pat<(add CPURegs:$hi, (Cpu0Lo tglobaltlsaddr:$lo)),
              (ORi CPURegs:$hi, tglobaltlsaddr:$lo)>;
let Predicates = [Ch12_1] in {
def : WrapperPat<tglobaltlsaddr, ORi, CPURegs>;


Cpu0TargetLowering::Cpu0TargetLowering(const Cpu0TargetMachine &TM,
                                       const Cpu0Subtarget &STI)
    : TargetLowering(TM), Subtarget(STI), ABI(TM.getABI()) {

  setOperationAction(ISD::GlobalTLSAddress,   MVT::i32,   Custom);
SDValue Cpu0TargetLowering::
LowerOperation(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const
  switch (Op.getOpcode())
  case ISD::GlobalTLSAddress:   return lowerGlobalTLSAddress(Op, DAG);
SDValue Cpu0TargetLowering::
lowerGlobalTLSAddress(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const
  // If the relocation model is PIC, use the General Dynamic TLS Model or
  // Local Dynamic TLS model, otherwise use the Initial Exec or
  // Local Exec TLS Model.

  GlobalAddressSDNode *GA = cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Op);
  if (DAG.getTarget().Options.EmulatedTLS)
    return LowerToTLSEmulatedModel(GA, DAG);

  SDLoc DL(GA);
  const GlobalValue *GV = GA->getGlobal();
  EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());

  TLSModel::Model model = getTargetMachine().getTLSModel(GV);

  if (model == TLSModel::GeneralDynamic || model == TLSModel::LocalDynamic) {
    // General Dynamic and Local Dynamic TLS Model.
    unsigned Flag = (model == TLSModel::LocalDynamic) ? Cpu0II::MO_TLSLDM
                                                      : Cpu0II::MO_TLSGD;

    SDValue TGA = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, DL, PtrVT, 0, Flag);
    SDValue Argument = DAG.getNode(Cpu0ISD::Wrapper, DL, PtrVT,
                                   getGlobalReg(DAG, PtrVT), TGA);
    unsigned PtrSize = PtrVT.getSizeInBits();
    IntegerType *PtrTy = Type::getIntNTy(*DAG.getContext(), PtrSize);

    SDValue TlsGetAddr = DAG.getExternalSymbol("__tls_get_addr", PtrVT);

    ArgListTy Args;
    ArgListEntry Entry;
    Entry.Node = Argument;
    Entry.Ty = PtrTy;

    TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo CLI(DAG);
      .setCallee(CallingConv::C, PtrTy, TlsGetAddr, std::move(Args));
    std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> CallResult = LowerCallTo(CLI);

    SDValue Ret = CallResult.first;

    if (model != TLSModel::LocalDynamic)
      return Ret;

    SDValue TGAHi = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, DL, PtrVT, 0,
    SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(Cpu0ISD::Hi, DL, PtrVT, TGAHi);
    SDValue TGALo = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, DL, PtrVT, 0,
    SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(Cpu0ISD::Lo, DL, PtrVT, TGALo);
    SDValue Add = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, PtrVT, Hi, Ret);
    return DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, PtrVT, Add, Lo);

  SDValue Offset;
  if (model == TLSModel::InitialExec) {
    // Initial Exec TLS Model
    SDValue TGA = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, DL, PtrVT, 0,
    TGA = DAG.getNode(Cpu0ISD::Wrapper, DL, PtrVT, getGlobalReg(DAG, PtrVT),
    Offset =
        DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, DL, DAG.getEntryNode(), TGA, MachinePointerInfo());
  } else {
    // Local Exec TLS Model
    assert(model == TLSModel::LocalExec);
    SDValue TGAHi = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, DL, PtrVT, 0,
    SDValue TGALo = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, DL, PtrVT, 0,
    SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(Cpu0ISD::Hi, DL, PtrVT, TGAHi);
    SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(Cpu0ISD::Lo, DL, PtrVT, TGALo);
    Offset = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, PtrVT, Hi, Lo);
  return Offset;


    SDValue lowerGlobalTLSAddress(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;


MCOperand Cpu0MCInstLower::LowerSymbolOperand(const MachineOperand &MO,
                                              MachineOperandType MOTy,
                                              unsigned Offset) const {
  MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Kind = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
  Cpu0MCExpr::Cpu0ExprKind TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_None;
  const MCSymbol *Symbol;

  switch(MO.getTargetFlags()) {
  case Cpu0II::MO_TLSGD:
    TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TLSGD;
  case Cpu0II::MO_TLSLDM:
    TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TLSLDM;
  case Cpu0II::MO_DTP_HI:
    TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_DTP_HI;
  case Cpu0II::MO_DTP_LO:
    TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_DTP_LO;
  case Cpu0II::MO_GOTTPREL:
    TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_GOTTPREL;
  case Cpu0II::MO_TP_HI:
    TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TP_HI;
  case Cpu0II::MO_TP_LO:
    TargetKind = Cpu0MCExpr::CEK_TP_LO;
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ clang -target mips-unknown-linux-gnu -c
ch12_thread_var.cpp -emit-llvm -std=c++11 -o ch12_thread_var.bc
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/build/
bin/llvm-dis ch12_thread_var.bc -o -


@a = dso_local thread_local global i32 0, align 4
@b = dso_local thread_local global i32 0, align 4

; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone mustprogress
define dso_local i32 @_Z15test_thread_varv() #0 {
  store i32 2, i32* @a, align 4
  %0 = load i32, i32* @a, align 4
  ret i32 %0

; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone mustprogress
define dso_local i32 @_Z17test_thread_var_2v() #0 {
  store i32 3, i32* @b, align 4
  %0 = load i32, i32* @b, align 4
  ret i32 %0
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/build/
bin/llc -march=cpu0 -relocation-model=pic -filetype=asm ch12_thread_var.bc
-o ch12_thread_var.cpu0.pic.s
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ cat ch12_thread_var.cpu0.pic.s


  .ent  _Z15test_thread_varv            # @_Z15test_thread_varv
  ori  $4, $gp, %tlsldm(a)
  ld  $t9, %call16(__tls_get_addr)($gp)
  jalr  $t9
  ld  $gp, 8($fp)
  lui  $3, %dtp_hi(a)
  addu  $2, $3, $2
  ori  $2, $2, %dtp_lo(a)

In pic mode, the __thread variable access by call function __tls_get_addr with the address of thread variable. The c++11 standard thread_local variable is accessed by calling function _ZTW1b which also call the function __tls_get_addr to get the thread_local variable address. In static mode, the thread variable is accessed by getting address of thread variables “a” and “b” with machine instructions as follows,

JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/build/
bin/llc -march=cpu0 -relocation-model=static -filetype=asm
ch12_thread_var.bc -o ch12_thread_var.cpu0.static.s
JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ cat ch12_thread_var.cpu0.static.s


lui  $2, %tp_hi(a)
ori  $2, $2, %tp_lo(a)
lui  $2, %tp_hi(b)
ori  $2, $2, %tp_lo(b)

While Mips uses rdhwr instruction to access thread varaible as below, Cpu0 access thread varaible without inventing any new instruction. The thread variables are keeped in thread varaible memory location which accessed through %tp_hi and %tp_lo, and furthermore, this section of memory is protected through kernel mode program. Thus, the user mode program cannot access this area of memory and no space to breathe for hack program.

JonathantekiiMac:input Jonathan$ /Users/Jonathan/llvm/test/build/
bin/llc -march=mips -relocation-model=static -filetype=asm
ch12_thread_var.bc -o -
  lui $1, %tprel_hi(a)
  ori $1, $1, %tprel_lo(a)
  .set  push
  .set  mips32r2
  rdhwr $3, $29
  .set  pop
  addu  $1, $3, $1
  addiu $2, $zero, 2
  sw  $2, 0($1)
  addiu $2, $zero, 2

In static mode, the thread variable is similar to global variable. In general, they are same in IRs, DAGs and machine code translation. List them in the following tables. You can check them with debug option enabled.

Table 38 The DAGs of thread varaible of static mode




load i32* @a, align 4;

Legalized selection DAG

(add Cpu0ISD::Hi Cpu0ISD::Lo);

Instruction Selection

ori $2, $zero, %tp_lo(a);

lui $3, %tp_hi(a);

addu $3, $3, $2;

Table 39 The DAGs of local_thread varaible of static mode




ret i32* @b;

Legalized selection DAG

%0=(add Cpu0ISD::Hi Cpu0ISD::Lo);…

Instruction Selection

ori $2, $zero, %tp_lo(a);

lui $3, %tp_hi(a);

addu $3, $3, $2;


In tradition, C uses different API which provided by OS or library to support multi-thread programming. For example, posix thread API on unix/linux, MS windows API, …, etc. In order to achieve synchronization to solve race condition between threads, OS provide their own lock or semaphore functions to programmer. But this solution is OS dependent. After c++11, programmer can use atomic to program and run the code on every different platform since the thread and atomic are part of c++ standard. Beside of portability, the other important benifit is the compiler can generate high performance code by the target hardware instructions rather than couting on lock() function only [5] [6] [7].

Compare-and-swap operation [9] is used to implement synchronization primitives like semaphores and mutexes, as well as more sophisticated wait-free and lock-free [8] algorithms. For atomic variables, Mips lock instructions, ll and sc, to solve the race condition problem. The semantic as follows,

  • Load-link returns the current value of a memory location, while a subsequent store-conditional to the same memory location will store a new value only if no updates have occurred to that location since the load-link. If any updates have occurred, the store-conditional is guaranteed to fail, even if the value read by the load-link has since been restored. [10]

Mips sync and ARM/X86-64 memory-barrier instruction [11] provide synchronization mechanism very efficiently in some scenarios.

Mips sync [12] is explained simply as follows,

A Simple Description: SYNC affects only uncached and cached coherent loads and stores. The loads and stores that occur prior to the SYNC must be completed before the loads and stores after the SYNC are allowed to start. Loads are completed when the destination register is written. Stores are completed when the stored value is visible to every other processor in the system.

In order to support atomic in C++ and java, llvm provides the atomic IRs and memory ordering here [13] [14]. C++ memory order is explained and exampled here [15]. The chapter 19 of book DPC++ [16] explains the memory ordering better and I add the related code fragment of lbdex/input/atomics.ll to it for explanation as follows,

  • memory_order::relaxed

Read and write operations can be re-ordered before or after the operation with no restrictions. There are no ordering guarantees.

define i8 @load_i8_unordered(i8* %mem) {
; CHECK-LABEL: load_i8_unordered
; CHECK: ll
; CHECK: sc
; CHECK-NOT: sync
  %val = load atomic i8, i8* %mem unordered, align 1
  ret i8 %val

No sync from CodeGen instructions above.

  • memory_order::acquire

Read and write operations appearing after the operation in the program must occur after it (i.e., they cannot be re-ordered before the operation).

define i32 @load_i32_acquire(i32* %mem) {
; CHECK-LABEL: load_i32_acquire
; CHECK: ll
; CHECK: sc
  %val = load atomic i32, i32* %mem acquire, align 4
; CHECK: sync
  ret i32 %val

Sync guarantees “load atomic” complete before the next R/W (Read/Write). All writes in other threads that release the same atomic variable are visible in the current thread.

  • memory_order::release

Read and write operations appearing before the operation in the program must occur before it (i.e., they cannot be re-ordered after the operation), and preceding write operations are guaranteed to be visible to other program instances which have been synchronized by a corresponding acquire operation (i.e., an atomic operation using the same variable and memory_order::acquire or a barrier function).

define void @store_i32_release(i32* %mem) {
; CHECK-LABEL: store_i32_release
; CHECK: sync
; CHECK: ll
; CHECK: sc
  store atomic i32 42, i32* %mem release, align 4
  ret void

Sync guarantees preceding R/W complete before “store atomic”. Mips’ ll and sc guarantee that “store atomic release” is visible to other processors.

  • memory_order::acq_rel

The operation acts as both an acquire and a release. Read and write operations cannot be re-ordered around the operation, and preceding writes must be made visible as previously described for memory_order::release.

define i32 @cas_strong_i32_acqrel_acquire(i32* %mem) {
; CHECK-LABEL: cas_strong_i32_acqrel_acquire
; CHECK: ll
; CHECK: sc
  %val = cmpxchg i32* %mem, i32 0, i32 1 acq_rel acquire
; CHECK: sync
  %loaded = extractvalue { i32, i1} %val, 0
  ret i32 %loaded

Sync guarantees preceding R/W complete before “cmpxchg”. Other processors’ preceding write operations are guaranteed to be visible to this “cmpxchg acquire” (Mips’s ll and sc quarantee it).

  • memory_order::seq_cst

The operation acts as an acquire, release, or both depending on whether it is a read, write, or read-modify-write operation, respectively. All operations with this memory order are observed in a sequentially consistent order.

define i8 @cas_strong_i8_sc_sc(i8* %mem) {
; CHECK-LABEL: cas_strong_i8_sc_sc
; CHECK: sync
; CHECK: ll
; CHECK: sc
  %val = cmpxchg i8* %mem, i8 0, i8 1 seq_cst seq_cst
; CHECK: sync
  %loaded = extractvalue { i8, i1} %val, 0
  ret i8 %loaded

First sync guarantees preceding R/W complete before “cmpxchg seq_cst” and visible to “cmpxchg seq_cst”. For seq_cst, a store performs a release operation. Which means “cmpxchg seq_cst” are visible to other threads/processors that acquire the same atomic variable as the memory_order_release definition. Mips’ ll and sc quarantees this feature of “cmpxchg seq_cst”. Second Sync guarantees “cmpxchg seq_cst” complete before the next R/W.

There are several restrictions on which memory orders are supported by each operation. Fig. 49 (from book Figure 19-10) summarizes which combinations are valid.


Fig. 49 Supporting atomic operations with memory_order

Load operations do not write values to memory and are therefore incompatible with release semantics. Similarly, store operations do not read values from memory and are therefore incompatible with acquire semantics. The remaining read-modify-write atomic operations and fences are compatible with all memory orderings [16].


C++ memory_order_consume


Fig. 50 Comparing standard C++ and SYCL/DPC++ memory models

The C++ memory model additionally includes memory_order::consume, with similar behavior to memory_order::acquire. however, the C++17 standard discourages its use, noting that its definition is being revised. its inclusion in dpC++ has therefore been postponed to a future version.

For a few years now, compilers have treated consume as a synonym for acquire [17].

The current expectation is that the replacement facility will rely on core memory model and atomics definitions very similar to what’s currently there. Since memory_order_consume does have a profound impact on the memory model, removing this text would allow drastic simplification, but conversely would make it very difficult to add anything along the lines of memory_order_consume back in later, especially if the standard evolves in the meantime, as expected. Thus we are not proposing to remove the current wording [18].

The following test files are extracted from memory_checks() of clang/test/Sema/atomic-ops.c. The “__c11_atomic_xxx” builtin-functions from clang defined in clang/include/clang/Basic/Builtins.def. Complie with clang will get the results same with Fig. 49. Clang compile memory_order_consume to the same result of memory_order_acquire.


// clang -S ch12_sema_atomic-ops.c -emit-llvm -o -
// Uses /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang in macOS.

#include <stdatomic.h>

// From memory_checks() of Sema/atomic-ops.c
void memory_checks(_Atomic(int) *Ap, int *p, int val) {
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, memory_order_release); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, memory_order_acq_rel); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, memory_order_seq_cst);
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, val);
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, -1); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
  (void)__c11_atomic_load(Ap, 42); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}

  (void)__c11_atomic_store(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_store(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
  (void)__c11_atomic_store(Ap, val, memory_order_consume); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
  (void)__c11_atomic_store(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_store(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
  (void)__c11_atomic_store(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_exchange(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_exchange(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_exchange(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_exchange(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_exchange(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_exchange(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(Ap, p, val, memory_order_relaxed, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(Ap, p, val, memory_order_acquire, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(Ap, p, val, memory_order_consume, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(Ap, p, val, memory_order_release, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(Ap, p, val, memory_order_acq_rel, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(Ap, p, val, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_relaxed);

  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(Ap, p, val, memory_order_relaxed, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(Ap, p, val, memory_order_acquire, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(Ap, p, val, memory_order_consume, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(Ap, p, val, memory_order_release, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(Ap, p, val, memory_order_acq_rel, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(Ap, p, val, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_relaxed);

  atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_consume); // For a few years now, compilers have treated consume as a synonym for acquire.


// clang -S ch12_sema_atomic-fetch.c -emit-llvm -o -
// Uses /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang in macOS.

#include <stdatomic.h>


// From __c11_atomic_fetch_xxx of memory_checks() of Sema/atomic-ops.c
void memory_checks(_Atomic(int) *Ap, int *p, int val) {
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_add(Ap, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_add(Ap, 1, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_add(Ap, 1, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_add(Ap, 1, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_add(Ap, 1, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_add(Ap, 1, memory_order_seq_cst);

#ifdef WANT_COMPILE_FAIL // fail to compile:
      (struct Incomplete * _Atomic *)0, // expected-error {{incomplete type 'struct Incomplete'}}
      1, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_init(Ap, val);
  (void)__c11_atomic_init(Ap, val);
  (void)__c11_atomic_init(Ap, val);
  (void)__c11_atomic_init(Ap, val);
  (void)__c11_atomic_init(Ap, val);
  (void)__c11_atomic_init(Ap, val);

  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_sub(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_sub(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_sub(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_sub(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_sub(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_sub(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_and(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_and(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_and(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_and(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_and(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_and(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_or(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_or(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_or(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_or(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_or(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_or(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_xor(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_xor(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_xor(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_xor(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_xor(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_xor(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_nand(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_nand(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_nand(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_nand(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_nand(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_nand(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_min(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_min(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_min(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_min(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_min(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_min(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);

  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_max(Ap, val, memory_order_relaxed);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_max(Ap, val, memory_order_acquire);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_max(Ap, val, memory_order_consume);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_max(Ap, val, memory_order_release);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_max(Ap, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
  (void)__c11_atomic_fetch_max(Ap, val, memory_order_seq_cst);
Table 40 Atomic related between clang’s builtin and llvm ir

clang’s builtin

llvm ir


load atomic


store atomic






atomicrmw xxx

C++ atomic functions supported by calling implemented functions from C++ libary. These implemented functions evently call “__c11_atomic_xxx” builtin-functions for implementation. So, “__c11_atomic_xxx” listed in above providing lower-level of better performance functions for C++ programmers. An example as follows,


// clang -S ch12_c++_atomics.cpp -emit-llvm -o -
// Uses /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang in macOS.

#include <atomic>

std::atomic<bool> winner (false);

int test_atomics() {
  int count = 0;
  bool res = winner.exchange(true);
  if (res) count++;

  return count;

For supporting llvm atomic IRs, the following code added to Chapter12_1.


static DecodeStatus DecodeMem(MCInst &Inst,
                              unsigned Insn,
                              uint64_t Address,
                              const void *Decoder) {
  if(Inst.getOpcode() == Cpu0::SC){


def SDT_Sync             : SDTypeProfile<0, 1, [SDTCisVT<0, i32>]>;
def Cpu0Sync : SDNode<"Cpu0ISD::Sync", SDT_Sync, [SDNPHasChain]>;
def PtrRC : Operand<iPTR> {
  let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_rc);
  let DecoderMethod = "DecodeCPURegsRegisterClass";
// Atomic instructions with 2 source operands (ATOMIC_SWAP & ATOMIC_LOAD_*).
class Atomic2Ops<PatFrag Op, RegisterClass DRC> :
  PseudoSE<(outs DRC:$dst), (ins PtrRC:$ptr, DRC:$incr),
           [(set DRC:$dst, (Op iPTR:$ptr, DRC:$incr))]>;

// Atomic Compare & Swap.
class AtomicCmpSwap<PatFrag Op, RegisterClass DRC> :
  PseudoSE<(outs DRC:$dst), (ins PtrRC:$ptr, DRC:$cmp, DRC:$swap),
           [(set DRC:$dst, (Op iPTR:$ptr, DRC:$cmp, DRC:$swap))]>;
class LLBase<bits<8> Opc, string opstring, RegisterClass RC, Operand Mem> :
  FMem<Opc, (outs RC:$ra), (ins Mem:$addr),
       !strconcat(opstring, "\t$ra, $addr"), [], IILoad> {
  let mayLoad = 1;

class SCBase<bits<8> Opc, string opstring, RegisterOperand RO, Operand Mem> :
  FMem<Opc, (outs RO:$dst), (ins RO:$ra, Mem:$addr),
       !strconcat(opstring, "\t$ra, $addr"), [], IIStore> {
  let mayStore = 1;
  let Constraints = "$ra = $dst";
let Predicates = [Ch12_1] in {
let usesCustomInserter = 1 in {
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I8   : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_add_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I16  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_add_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I32  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_add_32, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I8   : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_sub_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I16  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_sub_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I32  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_sub_32, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I8   : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_and_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I16  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_and_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I32  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_and_32, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I8    : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_or_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I16   : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_or_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I32   : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_or_32, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I8   : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_xor_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I16  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_xor_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I32  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_xor_32, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I8  : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_nand_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I16 : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_nand_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I32 : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_nand_32, CPURegs>;

  def ATOMIC_SWAP_I8       : Atomic2Ops<atomic_swap_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_SWAP_I16      : Atomic2Ops<atomic_swap_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_SWAP_I32      : Atomic2Ops<atomic_swap_32, CPURegs>;

  def ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I8   : AtomicCmpSwap<atomic_cmp_swap_8, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I16  : AtomicCmpSwap<atomic_cmp_swap_16, CPURegs>;
  def ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I32  : AtomicCmpSwap<atomic_cmp_swap_32, CPURegs>;
let Predicates = [Ch12_1] in {
let hasSideEffects = 1 in
def SYNC : Cpu0Inst<(outs), (ins i32imm:$stype), "sync $stype",
                    [(Cpu0Sync imm:$stype)], NoItinerary, FrmOther>
  bits<5> stype;
  let Opcode = 0x60;
  let Inst{25-11} = 0;
  let Inst{10-6} = stype;
  let Inst{5-0} = 0;
/// Load-linked, Store-conditional
def LL      : LLBase<0x61, "ll", CPURegs, mem>;
def SC      : SCBase<0x62, "sc", RegisterOperand<CPURegs>, mem>;
def : Cpu0InstAlias<"sync",
                    (SYNC 0), 1>;


    MachineBasicBlock *
    EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(MachineInstr &MI,
                                MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const override;
    SDValue lowerATOMIC_FENCE(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG& DAG) const;
    bool shouldInsertFencesForAtomic(const Instruction *I) const override {
      return true;

    /// Emit a sign-extension using shl/sra appropriately.
    MachineBasicBlock *emitSignExtendToI32InReg(MachineInstr &MI,
                                                MachineBasicBlock *BB,
                                                unsigned Size, unsigned DstReg,
                                                unsigned SrcRec) const;
    MachineBasicBlock *emitAtomicBinary(MachineInstr &MI, MachineBasicBlock *BB,
                    unsigned Size, unsigned BinOpcode, bool Nand = false) const;
    MachineBasicBlock *emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MachineInstr &MI,
                    MachineBasicBlock *BB, unsigned Size, unsigned BinOpcode,
                    bool Nand = false) const;
    MachineBasicBlock *emitAtomicCmpSwap(MachineInstr &MI,
                                  MachineBasicBlock *BB, unsigned Size) const;
    MachineBasicBlock *emitAtomicCmpSwapPartword(MachineInstr &MI,
                                  MachineBasicBlock *BB, unsigned Size) const;


const char *Cpu0TargetLowering::getTargetNodeName(unsigned Opcode) const {
  case Cpu0ISD::Sync:              return "Cpu0ISD::Sync";
Cpu0TargetLowering::Cpu0TargetLowering(const Cpu0TargetMachine &TM,
                                       const Cpu0Subtarget &STI)
    : TargetLowering(TM), Subtarget(STI), ABI(TM.getABI()) {

  setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD,       MVT::i32,    Expand);
  setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD,       MVT::i64,    Expand);
  setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_STORE,      MVT::i32,    Expand);
  setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_STORE,      MVT::i64,    Expand);
SDValue Cpu0TargetLowering::
LowerOperation(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const
  switch (Op.getOpcode())
  case ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE:       return lowerATOMIC_FENCE(Op, DAG);
MachineBasicBlock *
Cpu0TargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(MachineInstr &MI,
                                                MachineBasicBlock *BB) const {
  switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected instr type to insert");
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I8:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 1, Cpu0::ADDu);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I16:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 2, Cpu0::ADDu);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I32:
    return emitAtomicBinary(MI, BB, 4, Cpu0::ADDu);

  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I8:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 1, Cpu0::AND);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I16:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 2, Cpu0::AND);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I32:
    return emitAtomicBinary(MI, BB, 4, Cpu0::AND);

  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I8:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 1, Cpu0::OR);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I16:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 2, Cpu0::OR);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I32:
    return emitAtomicBinary(MI, BB, 4, Cpu0::OR);

  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I8:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 1, Cpu0::XOR);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I16:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 2, Cpu0::XOR);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I32:
    return emitAtomicBinary(MI, BB, 4, Cpu0::XOR);

  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I8:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 1, 0, true);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I16:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 2, 0, true);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I32:
    return emitAtomicBinary(MI, BB, 4, 0, true);

  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I8:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 1, Cpu0::SUBu);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I16:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 2, Cpu0::SUBu);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I32:
    return emitAtomicBinary(MI, BB, 4, Cpu0::SUBu);

  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_SWAP_I8:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 1, 0);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_SWAP_I16:
    return emitAtomicBinaryPartword(MI, BB, 2, 0);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_SWAP_I32:
    return emitAtomicBinary(MI, BB, 4, 0);

  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I8:
    return emitAtomicCmpSwapPartword(MI, BB, 1);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I16:
    return emitAtomicCmpSwapPartword(MI, BB, 2);
  case Cpu0::ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I32:
    return emitAtomicCmpSwap(MI, BB, 4);

// This function also handles Cpu0::ATOMIC_SWAP_I32 (when BinOpcode == 0), and
// Cpu0::ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I32 (when Nand == true)
MachineBasicBlock *Cpu0TargetLowering::emitAtomicBinary(
    MachineInstr &MI, MachineBasicBlock *BB, unsigned Size, unsigned BinOpcode,
    bool Nand) const {
  assert((Size == 4) && "Unsupported size for EmitAtomicBinary.");

  MachineFunction *MF = BB->getParent();
  MachineRegisterInfo &RegInfo = MF->getRegInfo();
  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = getRegClassFor(MVT::getIntegerVT(Size * 8));
  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
  DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
  unsigned LL, SC, AND, XOR, ZERO, BEQ;

  LL = Cpu0::LL;
  SC = Cpu0::SC;
  AND = Cpu0::AND;
  XOR = Cpu0::XOR;
  ZERO = Cpu0::ZERO;
  BEQ = Cpu0::BEQ;

  unsigned OldVal = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
  unsigned Ptr = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
  unsigned Incr = MI.getOperand(2).getReg();

  unsigned StoreVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned AndRes = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned AndRes2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Success = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);

  // insert new blocks after the current block
  const BasicBlock *LLVM_BB = BB->getBasicBlock();
  MachineBasicBlock *loopMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *exitMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineFunction::iterator It = ++BB->getIterator();
  MF->insert(It, loopMBB);
  MF->insert(It, exitMBB);

  // Transfer the remainder of BB and its successor edges to exitMBB.
  exitMBB->splice(exitMBB->begin(), BB,
                  std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());

  //  thisMBB:
  //    ...
  //    fallthrough --> loopMBB

  //  loopMBB:
  //    ll oldval, 0(ptr)
  //    <binop> storeval, oldval, incr
  //    sc success, storeval, 0(ptr)
  //    beq success, $0, loopMBB
  BB = loopMBB;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(LL), OldVal).addReg(Ptr).addImm(0);
  if (Nand) {
    //  and andres, oldval, incr
    //  xor storeval, $0, andres
    //  xor storeval2, $0, storeval
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(AND), AndRes).addReg(OldVal).addReg(Incr);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(XOR), StoreVal).addReg(ZERO).addReg(AndRes);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(XOR), AndRes2).addReg(ZERO).addReg(AndRes);
  } else if (BinOpcode) {
    //  <binop> storeval, oldval, incr
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(BinOpcode), StoreVal).addReg(OldVal).addReg(Incr);
  } else {
    StoreVal = Incr;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(SC), Success).addReg(StoreVal).addReg(Ptr).addImm(0);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(BEQ)).addReg(Success).addReg(ZERO).addMBB(loopMBB);

  MI.eraseFromParent(); // The instruction is gone now.

  return exitMBB;

MachineBasicBlock *Cpu0TargetLowering::emitSignExtendToI32InReg(
    MachineInstr &MI, MachineBasicBlock *BB, unsigned Size, unsigned DstReg,
    unsigned SrcReg) const {
  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
  DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();

  MachineFunction *MF = BB->getParent();
  MachineRegisterInfo &RegInfo = MF->getRegInfo();
  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = getRegClassFor(MVT::i32);
  unsigned ScrReg = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);

  assert(Size < 32);
  int64_t ShiftImm = 32 - (Size * 8);

  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHL), ScrReg).addReg(SrcReg).addImm(ShiftImm);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SRA), DstReg).addReg(ScrReg).addImm(ShiftImm);

  return BB;

MachineBasicBlock *Cpu0TargetLowering::emitAtomicBinaryPartword(
    MachineInstr &MI, MachineBasicBlock *BB, unsigned Size, unsigned BinOpcode,
    bool Nand) const {
  assert((Size == 1 || Size == 2) &&
         "Unsupported size for EmitAtomicBinaryPartial.");

  MachineFunction *MF = BB->getParent();
  MachineRegisterInfo &RegInfo = MF->getRegInfo();
  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = getRegClassFor(MVT::i32);
  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
  DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();

  unsigned Dest = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
  unsigned Ptr = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
  unsigned Incr = MI.getOperand(2).getReg();

  unsigned AlignedAddr = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned ShiftAmt = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Mask = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Mask2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Mask3 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned NewVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned OldVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Incr2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskLSB2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned PtrLSB2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskUpper = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned AndRes = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned BinOpRes = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned BinOpRes2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskedOldVal0 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned StoreVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskedOldVal1 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned SrlRes = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Success = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);

  // insert new blocks after the current block
  const BasicBlock *LLVM_BB = BB->getBasicBlock();
  MachineBasicBlock *loopMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *sinkMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *exitMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineFunction::iterator It = ++BB->getIterator();

  MF->insert(It, loopMBB);
  MF->insert(It, sinkMBB);
  MF->insert(It, exitMBB);

  // Transfer the remainder of BB and its successor edges to exitMBB.
  exitMBB->splice(exitMBB->begin(), BB,
                  std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());


  //  thisMBB:
  //    addiu   masklsb2,$0,-4                # 0xfffffffc
  //    and     alignedaddr,ptr,masklsb2
  //    andi    ptrlsb2,ptr,3
  //    sll     shiftamt,ptrlsb2,3
  //    ori     maskupper,$0,255               # 0xff
  //    sll     mask,maskupper,shiftamt
  //    xor     mask2,$0,mask
  //    xor     mask3,$0,mask2
  //    sll     incr2,incr,shiftamt

  int64_t MaskImm = (Size == 1) ? 255 : 65535;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ADDiu), MaskLSB2)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), AlignedAddr)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ANDi), PtrLSB2).addReg(Ptr).addImm(3);
  if (Subtarget.isLittle()) {
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHL), ShiftAmt).addReg(PtrLSB2).addImm(3);
  } else {
    unsigned Off = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XORi), Off)
      .addReg(PtrLSB2).addImm((Size == 1) ? 3 : 2);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHL), ShiftAmt).addReg(Off).addImm(3);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ORi), MaskUpper)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHLV), Mask)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XOR), Mask2).addReg(Cpu0::ZERO).addReg(Mask);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XOR), Mask3).addReg(Cpu0::ZERO).addReg(Mask2);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHLV), Incr2).addReg(Incr).addReg(ShiftAmt);

  // atomic.load.binop
  // loopMBB:
  //   ll      oldval,0(alignedaddr)
  //   binop   binopres,oldval,incr2
  //   and     newval,binopres,mask
  //   and     maskedoldval0,oldval,mask3
  //   or      storeval,maskedoldval0,newval
  //   sc      success,storeval,0(alignedaddr)
  //   beq     success,$0,loopMBB

  // atomic.swap
  // loopMBB:
  //   ll      oldval,0(alignedaddr)
  //   and     newval,incr2,mask
  //   and     maskedoldval0,oldval,mask3
  //   or      storeval,maskedoldval0,newval
  //   sc      success,storeval,0(alignedaddr)
  //   beq     success,$0,loopMBB

  BB = loopMBB;
  unsigned LL = Cpu0::LL;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(LL), OldVal).addReg(AlignedAddr).addImm(0);
  if (Nand) {
    //  and andres, oldval, incr2
    //  xor binopres,  $0, andres
    //  xor binopres2, $0, binopres
    //  and newval, binopres, mask
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), AndRes).addReg(OldVal).addReg(Incr2);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XOR), BinOpRes)
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XOR), BinOpRes2)
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), NewVal).addReg(BinOpRes).addReg(Mask);
  } else if (BinOpcode) {
    //  <binop> binopres, oldval, incr2
    //  and newval, binopres, mask
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(BinOpcode), BinOpRes).addReg(OldVal).addReg(Incr2);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), NewVal).addReg(BinOpRes).addReg(Mask);
  } else { // atomic.swap
    //  and newval, incr2, mask
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), NewVal).addReg(Incr2).addReg(Mask);

  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), MaskedOldVal0)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::OR), StoreVal)
  unsigned SC = Cpu0::SC;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(SC), Success)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::BEQ))

  //  sinkMBB:
  //    and     maskedoldval1,oldval,mask
  //    srl     srlres,maskedoldval1,shiftamt
  //    sign_extend dest,srlres
  BB = sinkMBB;

  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), MaskedOldVal1)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHRV), SrlRes)
  BB = emitSignExtendToI32InReg(MI, BB, Size, Dest, SrlRes);

  MI.eraseFromParent(); // The instruction is gone now.

  return exitMBB;

MachineBasicBlock * Cpu0TargetLowering::emitAtomicCmpSwap(MachineInstr &MI,
                                                          MachineBasicBlock *BB,
                                                          unsigned Size) const {
  assert((Size == 4) && "Unsupported size for EmitAtomicCmpSwap.");

  MachineFunction *MF = BB->getParent();
  MachineRegisterInfo &RegInfo = MF->getRegInfo();
  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = getRegClassFor(MVT::getIntegerVT(Size * 8));
  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
  DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
  unsigned LL, SC, ZERO, BNE, BEQ;

  LL = Cpu0::LL;
  SC = Cpu0::SC;
  ZERO = Cpu0::ZERO;
  BNE = Cpu0::BNE;
  BEQ = Cpu0::BEQ;

  unsigned Dest    = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
  unsigned Ptr     = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
  unsigned OldVal  = MI.getOperand(2).getReg();
  unsigned NewVal  = MI.getOperand(3).getReg();

  unsigned Success = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);

  // insert new blocks after the current block
  const BasicBlock *LLVM_BB = BB->getBasicBlock();
  MachineBasicBlock *loop1MBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *loop2MBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *exitMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineFunction::iterator It = ++BB->getIterator();

  MF->insert(It, loop1MBB);
  MF->insert(It, loop2MBB);
  MF->insert(It, exitMBB);

  // Transfer the remainder of BB and its successor edges to exitMBB.
  exitMBB->splice(exitMBB->begin(), BB,
                  std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());

  //  thisMBB:
  //    ...
  //    fallthrough --> loop1MBB

  // loop1MBB:
  //   ll dest, 0(ptr)
  //   bne dest, oldval, exitMBB
  BB = loop1MBB;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(LL), Dest).addReg(Ptr).addImm(0);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(BNE))

  // loop2MBB:
  //   sc success, newval, 0(ptr)
  //   beq success, $0, loop1MBB
  BB = loop2MBB;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(SC), Success)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(BEQ))

  MI.eraseFromParent(); // The instruction is gone now.

  return exitMBB;

MachineBasicBlock *
Cpu0TargetLowering::emitAtomicCmpSwapPartword(MachineInstr &MI,
                                              MachineBasicBlock *BB,
                                              unsigned Size) const {
  assert((Size == 1 || Size == 2) &&
      "Unsupported size for EmitAtomicCmpSwapPartial.");

  MachineFunction *MF = BB->getParent();
  MachineRegisterInfo &RegInfo = MF->getRegInfo();
  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = getRegClassFor(MVT::i32);
  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
  DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();

  unsigned Dest    = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
  unsigned Ptr     = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
  unsigned CmpVal  = MI.getOperand(2).getReg();
  unsigned NewVal  = MI.getOperand(3).getReg();

  unsigned AlignedAddr = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned ShiftAmt = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Mask = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Mask2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Mask3 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned ShiftedCmpVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned OldVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskedOldVal0 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned ShiftedNewVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskLSB2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned PtrLSB2 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskUpper = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskedCmpVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskedNewVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned MaskedOldVal1 = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned StoreVal = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned SrlRes = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
  unsigned Success = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);

  // insert new blocks after the current block
  const BasicBlock *LLVM_BB = BB->getBasicBlock();
  MachineBasicBlock *loop1MBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *loop2MBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *sinkMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineBasicBlock *exitMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
  MachineFunction::iterator It = ++BB->getIterator();

  MF->insert(It, loop1MBB);
  MF->insert(It, loop2MBB);
  MF->insert(It, sinkMBB);
  MF->insert(It, exitMBB);

  // Transfer the remainder of BB and its successor edges to exitMBB.
  exitMBB->splice(exitMBB->begin(), BB,
                  std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());


  // FIXME: computation of newval2 can be moved to loop2MBB.
  //  thisMBB:
  //    addiu   masklsb2,$0,-4                # 0xfffffffc
  //    and     alignedaddr,ptr,masklsb2
  //    andi    ptrlsb2,ptr,3
  //    shl     shiftamt,ptrlsb2,3
  //    ori     maskupper,$0,255               # 0xff
  //    shl     mask,maskupper,shiftamt
  //    xor     mask2,$0,mask
  //    xor     mask3,$0,mask2
  //    andi    maskedcmpval,cmpval,255
  //    shl     shiftedcmpval,maskedcmpval,shiftamt
  //    andi    maskednewval,newval,255
  //    shl     shiftednewval,maskednewval,shiftamt
  int64_t MaskImm = (Size == 1) ? 255 : 65535;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ADDiu), MaskLSB2)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), AlignedAddr)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ANDi), PtrLSB2).addReg(Ptr).addImm(3);
  if (Subtarget.isLittle()) {
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHL), ShiftAmt).addReg(PtrLSB2).addImm(3);
  } else {
    unsigned Off = RegInfo.createVirtualRegister(RC);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XORi), Off)
      .addReg(PtrLSB2).addImm((Size == 1) ? 3 : 2);
    BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHL), ShiftAmt).addReg(Off).addImm(3);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ORi), MaskUpper)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHLV), Mask)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XOR), Mask2).addReg(Cpu0::ZERO).addReg(Mask);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::XOR), Mask3).addReg(Cpu0::ZERO).addReg(Mask2);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ANDi), MaskedCmpVal)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHLV), ShiftedCmpVal)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::ANDi), MaskedNewVal)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHLV), ShiftedNewVal)

  //  loop1MBB:
  //    ll      oldval,0(alginedaddr)
  //    and     maskedoldval0,oldval,mask
  //    bne     maskedoldval0,shiftedcmpval,sinkMBB
  BB = loop1MBB;
  unsigned LL = Cpu0::LL;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(LL), OldVal).addReg(AlignedAddr).addImm(0);
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), MaskedOldVal0)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::BNE))

  //  loop2MBB:
  //    and     maskedoldval1,oldval,mask3
  //    or      storeval,maskedoldval1,shiftednewval
  //    sc      success,storeval,0(alignedaddr)
  //    beq     success,$0,loop1MBB
  BB = loop2MBB;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::AND), MaskedOldVal1)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::OR), StoreVal)
  unsigned SC = Cpu0::SC;
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(SC), Success)
  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::BEQ))

  //  sinkMBB:
  //    srl     srlres,maskedoldval0,shiftamt
  //    sign_extend dest,srlres
  BB = sinkMBB;

  BuildMI(BB, DL, TII->get(Cpu0::SHRV), SrlRes)
  BB = emitSignExtendToI32InReg(MI, BB, Size, Dest, SrlRes);

  MI.eraseFromParent();   // The instruction is gone now.

  return exitMBB;
SDValue Cpu0TargetLowering::lowerATOMIC_FENCE(SDValue Op,
                                              SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
  // FIXME: Need pseudo-fence for 'singlethread' fences
  // FIXME: Set SType for weaker fences where supported/appropriate.
  unsigned SType = 0;
  SDLoc DL(Op);
  return DAG.getNode(Cpu0ISD::Sync, DL, MVT::Other, Op.getOperand(0),
                     DAG.getConstant(SType, DL, MVT::i32));


  /// Code Generation virtual methods...
  const TargetRegisterClass *getPointerRegClass(const MachineFunction &MF,
                                                unsigned Kind) const override;


const TargetRegisterClass *
Cpu0RegisterInfo::getPointerRegClass(const MachineFunction &MF,
                                     unsigned Kind) const {
  return &Cpu0::CPURegsRegClass;


Cpu0SETargetLowering::Cpu0SETargetLowering(const Cpu0TargetMachine &TM,
                                           const Cpu0Subtarget &STI)
    : Cpu0TargetLowering(TM, STI) {
  setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE,       MVT::Other, Custom);


/// Cpu0 Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
class Cpu0PassConfig : public TargetPassConfig {
  void addIRPasses() override;
void Cpu0PassConfig::addIRPasses() {

Since SC instruction uses RegisterOperand type in Cpu0InstrInfo.td and SC uses FMem node which DecoderMethod is “DecodeMem”, the DecodeMem() of Cpu0Disassembler.cpp need to be changed as above.

The atomic node defined in “let usesCustomInserter = 1 in” of Cpu0InstrInfo.td tells llvm calling EmitInstrWithCustomInserter() of Cpu0ISelLowering.cpp after Instruction Selection stage at Cpu0TargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter() of ExpandISelPseudos::runOnMachineFunction() stage. For example, “def ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I8 : Atomic2Ops<atomic_load_add_8, CPURegs>;” will calling EmitInstrWithCustomInserter() with Machine Instruction Opcode “ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I8” when it meets IR “load atomic i8*”.

The “setInsertFencesForAtomic(true);” in Cpu0ISelLowering.cpp will trigger addIRPasses() of Cpu0TargetMachine.cpp, then the createAtomicExpandPass() of addIRPasses() will create llvm IR ATOMIC_FENCE. Next, the lowerATOMIC_FENCE() of Cpu0ISelLowering.cpp will create Cpu0ISD::Sync when it meets IR ATOMIC_FENCE since “setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE, MVT::Other, Custom);” of Cpu0SEISelLowering.cpp. Finally the pattern defined in Cpu0InstrInfo.td translate it into instruction “sync” by “def SYNC” and alias “SYNC 0”.

This part of Cpu0 backend code is same with Mips except Cpu0 has no instruction “nor”.

List the atomic IRs, corresponding DAGs and Opcode as the following table.

Table 41 The atomic related IRs, their corresponding DAGs and Opcode of Cpu0ISelLowering.cpp




load atomic



store atomic



atomicrmw add



atomicrmw sub



atomicrmw xor



atomicrmw and



atomicrmw nand



atomicrmw or






atomicrmw xchg



Input files atomics.ll and atomics-fences.ll include the llvm atomic IRs test. Input files ch12_atomics.cpp and ch12_atomics-fences.cpp are the C++ files for generating llvm atomic IRs. The C++ files need to run with clang options “clang++ -pthread -std=c++11”.