Appendix A: RISCV¶
This chapter shows the RISC toolchain installatation including gnu, llvm and simulators on Linux as figure and table below.
![digraph G {
subgraph cluster_0 {
// label = "RISCV toolchain flow";
node [style=filled,color=white]; usercode [label = "user program"];
node [style=filled,color=white]; sflib [label = "lib (libm/libc/libstdc++)"];
node [style=filled,color=white]; linker [label = "lld or ld"];
node [style=filled,color=white]; simulator [label = "qemu or gem5"];
node [style=filled,color=white]; clang, llvm, gdb;
usercode -> clang;
sflib -> clang;
clang -> llvm [ label = "IR" ];
llvm -> linker [ label = "obj" ];
linker -> simulator [ label = "exe" ];
linker -> gdb [ label = "exe" ];
simulator -> gdb;
gdb -> simulator;
Fig. 12 RISCV toolchain flow¶
Component |
name |
github |
C/C++ Compiler |
clang/llvm |
llvm-project |
LLVM Assembler |
llvm integrated assembler |
“ |
LLVM Linker |
ld.lld |
“ |
debug tool |
lldb |
“ |
Utils |
llvm-ar, llvm-objdump etc. |
“ |
gcc Assembler |
as |
riscv-gnu-toolchain |
gcc Linker |
ld.bfd |
“ |
Runtime |
libgcc |
“ |
Unwinder |
libgcc_s |
“ |
C library |
libc |
“ |
C++ library |
libsupc++ libstdc++ |
“ |
debug tool |
gdb |
“ |
Utils |
ar, objdump etc. |
“ |
Functional sim |
qemu |
qemu |
Cycle sim |
gem5 |
gem5 |

Fig. 13 RISCV ISA¶

Fig. 14 RISCV ISA Description¶
As above Fig. 13 and Fig. 14, RISC has 32/64/128 bit and I (integer) is the Base part and the others are optional. G=IMAFD, general extensions (i.e., IMAFD) [2] [3] [4].
Since RISCV has vector instruction for variable length of data and allowing vendor to encode variable length of instruction set, the little endian is the dominate format in market [5].
I-cache, D-cache: Size: 4KB to 64KB in Andes N25f
ILM, DLM: Size: 4KB to 16MB [6]
For deterministic and efficient program execution
Flexible size selection to fit diversified needs
RISC compiler toolchain installatation¶
First, install the depended packages according Next, create your $HOME/riscv and $HOME/riscv/git. Then run the following bash script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Verified on ubuntu 18.04
# mkdir riscv/git, riscv/riscv_newlib, riscv_linux before running this bash script
export LLVM_VER=14.x
#export LLVM_VER=13.0.0
export GNU_SRC_DIR=$HOME/riscv/git
export LLVM_SRC_DIR=$HOME/riscv/git/$LLVM_VER
export GNU_NEWLIB_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/riscv/$LLVM_VER/riscv_newlib
export LLVM_NEWLIB_BUILD_DIR=$LLVM_SRC_DIR/llvm-project/build_riscv_newlib
export GNU_LINUX_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/riscv/$LLVM_VER/riscv_linux
export LLVM_LINUX_BUILD_DIR=$LLVM_SRC_DIR/llvm-project/build_riscv_linux
riscv_gnu_toolchain_prerequisites() {
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev \
libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool \
patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev
if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/python" ]; then
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
riscv_llvm_prerequisites() {
sudo apt-get install ninja-build
get_llvm() {
if [ ! -d "$GNU_SRC_DIR" ]; then
echo "GNU_SRC_DIR: $GNU_SRC_DIR not exist"
exit 1
rm -rf $LLVM_SRC_DIR
git clone
cd llvm-project
git checkout -b $LLVM_VER origin/release/$LLVM_VER
check() {
if [ ! -d "$GNU_SRC_DIR" ]; then
echo "GNU_SRC_DIR: $GNU_SRC_DIR not exist"
exit 1
if [ -d "$GNU_NEWLIB_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then
echo "GNU_NEWLIB_INSTALL_DIR: $GNU_NEWLIB_INSTALL_DIR exist. Remove it before running."
exit 1
if [ -d "$GNU_LINUX_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then
echo "GNU_LINUX_INSTALL_DIR: $GNU_LINUX_INSTALL_DIR exist. Remove it before running."
exit 1
build_gnu_toolchain() {
pushd $GNU_SRC_DIR
git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
# Looks branch change from original/rvv-intrinsic to origin/__archive__
# git checkout -b rvv-intrinsic origin/rvv-intrinsic
# commit 409b951ba6621f2f115aebddfb15ce2dd78ec24f of master branch is work for vadd.vv of vadd1.c
mkdir build_newlib
cd build_newlib
# NX27V is 32-64 bits configurable and has HW float point
../configure --prefix=$GNU_NEWLIB_INSTALL_DIR \
--with-arch=rv64gc --with-abi=lp64d
# --with-multilib-generator="rv32i-ilp32--;rv32imafd-ilp32--;rv64ima-lp64--"
make -j4
cd ..
mkdir build_linux
cd build_linux
../configure --prefix=$GNU_LINUX_INSTALL_DIR
make linux -j4
# LLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN: Builds a release tablegen that gets used during the LLVM build. This can dramatically speed up debug builds.
# LLVM_INSTALL_TOOLCHAIN_ONLY default is OFF already. Check CmakeCache.txt.
# For lld.
# For llvm version 13.0.0 -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR will fail on ninja as follows,
# /home/jonathanchen/riscv/git/13.0.0/llvm-project/llvm/tools/gold/gold-plugin.cpp:38:10: fatal error: plugin-api.h: No such file or directory
# #include <plugin-api.h>
# ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=$GNU_SRC_DIR/riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv-binutils/include will incurs above fail on 13.x
# If enabled, utility binaries like FileCheck and not will be installed to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
# Use "clang --sysroot" if did not "cmake -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT"
# $LLVM_NEWLIB_BUILD_DIR/bin/clang++ --gcc-toolchain=$GNU_NEWLIB_INSTALL_DIR test.cpp -march=rv64g -O0 -mabi=lp64d -v
# $LLVM_LINUX_BUILD_DIR/bin/clang++ --gcc-toolchain=$GNU_LINUX_INSTALL_DIR --sysroot=$GNU_LINUX_INSTALL_DIR/sysroot/ --static test.cpp -march=rv64g -O0 -mabi=lp64d -v
build_llvm_toolchain() {
ninja install
ninja install
$ pwd
$ $HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv
$ bash
RISCV toolchain includes both baremetal(Newlib) and Linux platform support.
$ pwd
$ $HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv
$ ls $HOME/riscv/riscv_newlib
bin include lib libexec riscv64-unknown-elf share

Fig. 15 RISCV ISA Description¶
The linux sysroot as Fig. 15 above. You can compare it with the following installed dirctory.
$ ls $HOME/riscv/riscv_linux/sysroot/
etc lib lib64 sbin usr var
$ ls $HOME/riscv/riscv_linux/sysroot/usr
bin include lib libexec sbin share
Linker Command¶
Different HW platforms have their memory map for their RISCV architecture. As result, their HW may need to initialize $sp, $pc and $gp … . GNU linker command language [15] provides user’s memory map to their HW.
The crt0.S and riscv64-virt.ld in lbt/exlbt/riscv modified from origin as follows,
riscv$ pwd
riscv$ diff exlbt/riscv/crt0.S ~/riscv/git/riscv-gnu-toolchain/newlib/libgloss/riscv/crt0.S
< la sp, __stack_top
riscv$ ~/riscv/14.x/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-ld --verbose &> riscv64-virt-origin.ld
riscv$ diff riscv64-virt-origin.ld riscv64-virt.ld
< GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.39
< Supported emulations:
< elf64lriscv
< elf32lriscv
< elf64briscv
< elf32briscv
< using internal linker script:
< ==================================================
> {
> RAM (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x10000, LENGTH = 128M
> }
> PROVIDE(__stack_top = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM));
< ==================================================
riscv$ ~/riscv/14.x/riscv_newlib/bin/clang hello.c -menable-experimental-extensions \
-march=rv64gcv1p0 -O0 -mabi=lp64d -T riscv64-virt.ld -nostartfiles crt0.S -v
If uses RAM (rwx), it has warning and can be removed by -Wl,–no-warn-rwx-segment in clang option.
Qemu on next section can run program without initialzing $sp in crt0.S. Maybe it is that qemu initialize $sp as in the following code.
qemu$ pwd
qemu$ vi linux-user/riscv/cpu_loop.c
void target_cpu_copy_regs(CPUArchState *env, struct target_pt_regs *regs)
env->gpr[xSP] = regs->sp;
The ELF object file format uses program headers, which are read by the system loader and describe how the program should be loaded into memory. The program headers of an ELF file may be displayed using llvm-objdump -p [16].
The “la sp, __stack_top” is Psuedo instructions in RISCV [17].
Qemu simulator¶
Install according as follows,
$ pwd
$ $HOME/riscv/git
$ git clone
$ cd qemu
$ git log
commit a28498b1f9591e12dcbfdf06dc8f54e15926760e
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure
$ make
Then it can compile and run qemu for baremetal as follows,
$ pwd
$ $HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv
$ $HOME/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/clang -march=rv64g hello.c -fuse-ld=lld \
-mno-relax -g -mabi=lp64d -o hello_newlib
$ $HOME/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 hello_newlib
hello world!
Linux [18] as follows,
$ $HOME/riscv/riscv_linux/bin/clang -march=rv64g hello.c -o hello_linux -static
$ $HOME/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 hello_linux
hello world!
RISCV does need -lm for math.h as follows,
// RISCV does need -lm while X86-64 does not.
// $ ~/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/clang++ -menable-experimental-extensions pow.cpp -march=rv64gcv0p10 -O0 -fuse-ld=lld -mno-relax -g -mabi=lp64d -lm -v
// $ ~/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 -cpu rv64,v=true a.out
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double base = 100;
double power = 2;
double test_math()
double res = 0;
res = pow(base, power);
return res;
int main() {
double a = test_math();
printf("a = %lf\n", a);
return 0;
The asm for hello world in baremetal as follows,
$ $HOME/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -c hello_world.s
$ $HOME/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-ld hello_world.o -o hello_world
$ $HOME/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 hello_world
Hello World
The link for asm and C in baremetal as follows,
/* ~/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv$ ~/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -c func_hello_start.s
~/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv$ ~/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -c caller_hello.c
~/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv$ ~/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-ld caller_hello.o func_hello_start.o
~/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv$ ~/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-ld caller_hello.o func_hello_start.o -o a.out
~/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv$ ~riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 a.out
Hello World
extern void hello();
int main() {
.section .text
.globl hello
li a0, 0 # stdout
1: auipc a1, %pcrel_hi(msg) # load msg(hi)
addi a1, a1, %pcrel_lo(1b) # load msg(lo)
li a2, 12 # length
li a3, 0
li a7, 64 # _NR_sys_write
ecall # system call
li a0, 0
li a1, 0
li a2, 0
li a3, 0
li a7, 93 # _NR_sys_exit
ecall # system call
j loop
.section .rodata
.string "Hello World\n"
.globl _start
call main
Gem5 simulator¶
Build Gem5 according the following, or
If you don’t have python3.x-config on Ubuntu 18.04 as follows,
$ ls /usr/bin/python*
... /usr/bin/python2.7-config
Then do install by pip3 as follows [19],
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ pip3 install scons
$ ls /usr/bin/python*
... /usr/bin/python3-config
After install all dependencies, get gem5 and build RISCV as follows,
$ pwd
$ $HOME/riscv/git
$ sudo apt install -y libglib2.0-dev
$ sudo apt install -y libpixman-1-dev
$ git clone
$ cd gem5
$ git log
commit 846dcf0ba4eff824c295f06550b8673ff3f31314
$HOME/riscv/git/gem5$ /usr/bin/env python3 $(which scons) ./build/RISCV/gem5.debug -j4
$ pwd
$ $HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv
$ $HOME/riscv/git/gem5/build/RISCV/gem5.debug \
$HOME/riscv/git/gem5/configs/example/ --cmd=./hello_newlib
build/RISCV/sim/ info: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation...
hello world!
Check cycles as follows,
$HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv$ vi m5out/stats.txt
simSeconds 0.000001 # Number of seconds simulated (Second)
simTicks 1229000 # Number of ticks simulated (Tick)
$HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv$ $HOME/riscv/git/gem5/build/RISCV/gem5.debug \
/local/git/gem5/configs/example/ --cmd=./hello_linux
hello world!
The config of gem5 reference here.
![digraph G {
subgraph cluster_0 {
// label = "GDB flow";
node [style=filled,color=white]; user, gdb;
// node [style=filled,color=white]; linker [label = "lld or ld"];
node [style=filled,color=white]; simulator [label = "qemu "];
// linker -> simulator [ label = "exe" ];
// linker -> gdb [ label = "exe" ];
user -> gdb [label = "debug command"];
gdb -> simulator [label = "debug command(print res, step, ...)"];
simulator -> gdb [label = "response(variable-value, ...)"];
Fig. 16 GDB flow¶
LLVM 13.x fails on “clang -g” for rvv C/C++ file while LLVM 14.x is work. Run qemu on terminal A with gdb on terminal B [7] as follows,
// terminal A:
$ pwd
$ $HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv
$ $HOME/riscv/14.x/riscv_newlib/bin/clang vadd1.c -menable-experimental-extensions \
-march=rv64gcv1p0 -O0 -g -mabi=lp64d -o a.out -v
$ $HOME/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 -cpu rv64,v=true -g 1234 a.out
vector version is not specified, use the default value v1.0
// terminal B:
$ pwd
$ $HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv
$ $HOME/riscv/14.x/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb a.out
Reading symbols from a.out...
(gdb) target remote :1234
Remote debugging using :1234
0x0000000000010150 in _start ()
(gdb) b vadd1.c:95
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10536: file vadd1.c, line 95.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, main () at vadd1.c:95
95 vOp(a, a, a, array_size(a), VMUL);
(gdb) p a[1]
$1 = 2
// terminal A:
vl: 32
a[]: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100
102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 ...
The results of VADD: PASS
// terminal B:
$ ...
(gdb) c
// terminal A:
a[]: 0 4 16 36 64 100 144 196 256 324 400 484 576 676 784 900 1024 1156 1296
1444 1600 1764 1936 2116 2304 2500 2704 2916 3136 3364 3600 3844 4096 4356
4624 4900 5184 5476 5776 6084 6400 6724 7056 7396 7744 8100 8464 8836 9216
9604 10000 10404 10816 11236 11664 12100 12544 12996 13456 13924 14400 14884
15376 15876 ...
The results of VMUL: PASS
Since rvv v1.0 is accepted and v0.10 is draft for release version v1.0, above -march change from rv64gv0p10 of llvm 13.x to rv64gcv1p0 llvm 14.x [8].
Beside GDB runs in the same host environment as your program. When you need more flexibility–for example, running GDB on a physically separate host, or controlling a standalone system over a serial port or a realtime system over a TCP/IP connection [9]. To use a TCP connection, use an argument of the form host:port. Above “target remote :1234”, means host and target run on the same host listening port 1234 [10].
RISCV Calling Convention [11]¶
The rv32: register size 32-bit. The rv64 register size 64-bit.
In RV64, 32-bit types, such as int, are stored in integer registers as proper sign extensions of their 32-bit values; that is, bits 63..31 are all equal.
Two kinds of ABI, ilp32 and lp64, -mabi=ilp32, ilp32f, ilp32d, lp64, lp64f, lp64d. The ways of pass float arguments on integer/single-float/double-float.
name |
float |
double |
ilp32/lp64 |
a registers |
a registers |
ilp32f/lp64f |
fa registers |
a regsiters |
ilp32d/lp64d |
fa registers |
fa registers |
ilp32 and lp64 are Soft-Float Calling Convention. Soft-Float Calling Convention: Floating-point arguments are passed and returned in integer registers, using the rules for integer arguments of the same size.
Specify integer and floating-point calling convention. ABI-string contains two parts: the size of integer types and the registers used for floating-point types. For example ‘-march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64d’ means that ‘long’ and pointers are 64-bit (implicitly defining ‘int’ to be 32-bit), and that floating-point values up to 64 bits wide are passed in F registers. Contrast this with ‘-march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64f’, which still allows the compiler to generate code that uses the F and D extensions but only allows floating-point values up to 32 bits long to be passed in registers; or ‘-march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64’, in which no floating-point arguments will be passed in registers.
The default for this argument is system dependent, users who want a specific calling convention should specify one explicitly. The valid calling conventions are: ‘ilp32’, ‘ilp32f’, ‘ilp32d’, ‘lp64’, ‘lp64f’, and ‘lp64d’. Some calling conventions are impossible to implement on some ISAs: for example, ‘-march=rv32if -mabi=ilp32d’ is invalid because the ABI requires 64-bit values be passed in F registers, but F registers are only 32 bits wide. There is also the ‘ilp32e’ ABI that can only be used with the ‘rv32e’ architecture. This ABI is not well specified at present, and is subject to change [14].
Clang/llvm provide RVV (RISC-V Vectors) written in C rather than inline-asm. Though it notices as clang option: -target-feature +experimental-v, this way in C is shorter, more user-friendly and easy to remember for users than in inline-asm form. Builtin is C function and friendly either. RVV can be written and run as follows,
// pass:
/* ~/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/clang++ vadd2.c -menable-experimental-extensions \
-march=rv64gcv0p10 -O0 -mllvm --riscv-v-vector-bits-min=256 -v */
// ~/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 -cpu rv64,v=true a.out
// ref.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <riscv_vector.h>
#define array_size(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
// Vector-vector add
void vadd(uint32_t *a, const uint32_t *b, const uint32_t *c, size_t n) {
while (n > 0) {
size_t vl = vsetvl_e32m8(n);
vuint32m8_t vb = vle32_v_u32m8(b, vl);
// generate:
// vsetvli zero, a0, e32, m8, ta, mu
// vadd.vv v8, v8, v16
vuint32m8_t vc = vle32_v_u32m8(c, vl);
vuint32m8_t va = vadd(vb, vc, vl);
vse32(a, va, vl);
a += vl;
b += vl;
c += vl;
n -= vl;
// Vector-vector add (inline assembly)
void vadd_asm(uint32_t *a, const uint32_t *b, const uint32_t *c, size_t n) {
while (n > 0) {
size_t vl;
vuint32m8_t va, vb, vc;
//Fail: __asm__ __volatile__ ( "vsetvli %[vl], %[512], e32, m8" : [vl] "=r"(vl) : [512] "r"(512) );
vl = vsetvl_e32m8(n);
#if (__clang_major__ > 10)
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vle32.v %[vb], (%[b])" : [vb] "=vr"(vb) : [b] "r"(b) : "memory" );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vle32.v %[vc], (%[c])" : [vc] "=vr"(vc) : [c] "r"(c) : "memory" );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vadd.vv %[va], %[vb], %[vc]" : [va] "=vr"(va) : [vb] "vr"(vb), [vc] "vr"(vc) );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vse32.v %[va], (%[a])" : [va] "=vr"(va) : [a] "r"(a) : "memory" );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vle32.v %[vb], (%[b])" : [vb] "=v8"(vb) : [b] "r"(b) : "memory" );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vle32.v %[vc], (%[c])" : [vc] "=v8"(vc) : [c] "r"(c) : "memory" );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vadd.vv %[va], %[vb], %[vc]" : [va] "=v8"(va) : [vb] "v8"(vb), [vc] "v8"(vc) );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "vse32.v %[va], (%[a])" : [va] "=v8"(va) : [a] "r"(a) : "memory" );
a += vl;
b += vl;
c += vl;
n -= vl;
uint32_t a[4096];
uint8_t m[512];
int main(void) {
printf("array_size(a):%lu\n", array_size(a));
// init source
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(a); ++i)
a[i] = i;
vadd(a, a, a, array_size(a));
printf("\na[]: ");
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(a); ++i) {
if (i < 10)
printf("%d ", a[i]);
else if (i == 11)
assert(a[i] == i * 2);
printf("\nThe results of vadd:\tPASS\n");
vadd_asm(a, a, a, array_size(a));
printf("\na[]: ");
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(a); ++i) {
if (i < 10)
printf("%d ", a[i]);
else if (i == 11)
assert(a[i] == i * 4);
printf("\nThe results of vadd_asm:\tPASS\n");
return 0;
$ pwd
$ $HOME/git/lbt/exlbt/riscv
$ $HOME/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/clang vadd2.c -menable-experimental-extensions \
-march=rv64gcv0p10 -O0 -mllvm --riscv-v-vector-bits-min=256
$ $HOME/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 -cpu rv64,v=true a.out
vector version is not specified, use the default value v1.0
a[]: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ...
The results of vadd: PASS
a[]: 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 ...
The results of vadd_asm: PASS
$ $HOME/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/clang vadd1.c -menable-experimental-extensions \
-march=rv64gcv0p10 -O0 -mllvm --riscv-v-vector-bits-min=256 -static
$ $HOME/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-riscv64 -cpu rv64,v=true a.out
vector version is not specified, use the default value v1.0
1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1
$ $HOME/riscv/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d a.out|grep vadd.vv
106fc: 03ae0d57 vadd.vv v26,v26,v28
For -march=rv64imfv0p10zfh0p1,
v0p10: vector version 0.10.
zfh0p1: “Zfh” 0.1 version [4].
For -mabi, as the section above.
Clang/llvm provide builtin and intrinsic functions to implement RVV (RISC-V Vectors)
#define vsetvl_e8mf8(avl) __builtin_rvv_vsetvli((size_t)(avl), 0, 5)
defm vmadd : RVVIntTerBuiltinSet;
defm vfdiv : RVVFloatingBinBuiltinSet;
def int_riscv_vsetvli : Intrinsic<...
defm vmadd : RISCVTernaryAAXA;
defm vfdiv : RISCVBinaryAAX;
Refer to clang/llvm test cases in the following folders.
$HOME/riscv/git/llvm-project/clang/test/CodeGen/RISCV/rvv-intrinsics$ ls
... vfdiv.c ... vfmadd.c
$HOME/riscv/git/llvm-project/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/rvv$ ls
... vfdiv-rv64.ll ... vfmadd-rv64.ll ...
Atomic instructions¶
RISCV atomic instructions [20].
RISCV+NPU for Deep Learning¶
RISCV Boards [27].
Amazon-FreeRTOS [28], Xilinux has RISCV inside in MicroZed [29] and vivado [30].
Zephyr [31] .
To do:¶
As exlbt/riscv/ Currently, this script complete build on both riscv_newlib and riscv_linux. However, qemu does not create qemu-riscv64 for baremetal on macos. So cannot verify it yet.
How to run qemu-system-riscv64 as baremetal qemu-risv64? Following to create crt0.S and riscv64-virt.ld but not work. It fails without changing crt0.S either.
// terminal A:
riscv % ~/riscv/14.x/riscv_newlib/bin/clang hello.c -menable-experimental-extensions \
-march=rv64gcv1p0 -O0 -mabi=lp64d -T riscv64-virt.ld -Wl,--no-warn-rwx-segment -nostartfiles crt0.S -v
riscv % ~/riscv/git/qemu/build/qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -m 128M -cpu \
rv64,v=true -gdb tcp::1234 -kernel a.out
// terminal B:
riscv % ~/riscv/14.x/riscv_newlib/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb a.out
Reading symbols from a.out...
(gdb) target remote :1234
Remote debugging using :1234
0x0000000080000408 in ?? ()
(gdb) c
qemu-system-riscv64 with -nographic fail too.